With DB2's data sharing capability having been introduced back in the mid-1990s with DB2 for z/OS Version 4, a great many people -- including lots of folks whose organizations do not run DB2 in data sharing mode -- are quite familiar with the technology (for people new to this subject area, I posted, a few years ago, a "What is DB2 Data Sharing?" entry to the blog that I maintained while working as an independent DB2 consultant). Still, there are some aspects of DB2 data sharing technology that are more widely understood than others. It's recently come to my attention that among mainframe DB2 people there is a bit of a knowledge gap with regard to a particular component of a DB2 data sharing configuration. The component to which I refer here is the lock list portion of the DB2 lock structure, and with this blog entry my aim is to fill that knowledge gap to some degree.
The lock structure is of course one of three coupling facility structure types that DB2 uses to make data sharing work (the other two structure types are the Shared Communications Area and the group buffer pools). Within the lock structure you have the lock table and the lock list. The lock table is, conceptually, at work all the time in a DB2 data sharing environment. It's essentially a mechanism through which global lock contention is detected: when a process running on a member of a DB2 data sharing group (I'll call this member DB2A) wants a lock on something (e.g., a data page or row) that might be locked by a process running on another member of the group, the item on which the lock is being requested is mapped by way of a hashing algorithm to an entry in the lock table. That lock entry is checked for the presence of an incompatible lock held by a process running on another member of the group, and if that turns out to be the case (e.g., a process running on member DB2B has an X-lock on a page on which the process running on DB2A wants an S-lock) then the contention indication is sent back from the coupling facility holding the lock structure to the z/OS LPAR on which member DB2A is running. [Because there will almost certainly be many more lockable "things" in the database than entries in the lock table, some different lockable things will map to the same lock table entry; thus, contention can be falsely detected. Typically, "false contention" is the initial result for a very small percentage of global lock requests, and when this occurs the contention situation is determined to be false in a quick and efficient manner.]
Because the lock table is vitally important for the moment-by-moment operation of a DB2 data sharing group, it gets a lot of attention. By comparison, the lock list portion of the lock structure is usually not front-of-mind when people thing about DB2 data sharing. It's important, sure -- but in an insurance policy kind of way: you're glad it's there, but you'd be pleased if it were never needed. Here's what I mean by this analogy: the purpose of the lock list is to store information about X-type global locks held by members of the data sharing group on behalf of processes executing on the various members ("X-type" refers to locks associated with data-changing actions, and
"global" refers to locks of which members other than the lock-acquiring
member might need to be aware). In the event of the abnormal termination of a member DB2 subsystem, information about the X-type global locks held by that member at the time of failure will be, in effect, downloaded from the lock list to the surviving members of the group. These locks will be treated by the surviving members as "retained" locks, and they will continue to be retained (and the associated locked items, such as data pages and/or rows, will remain unavailable) until the failed DB2 subsystem releases the locks in the course of restart processing (restart of a failed DB2 member will usually be initiated automatically by the system, and will often complete in less than 2 minutes). Knowing about these retained locks is important for data integrity-preservation purposes: they keep surviving subsystems from accessing data pages or rows that were in the process of being changed through another member when that member failed. The retained locks "seal off" affected pages and/or rows (depending on the granularity of locking used for a table space) until the failed member can, as part of restart processing, roll back the units of work that were in-flight in the subsystem at the time of failure and write to disk those committed data changes that had not yet been externalized at the time of the failure event.
So, what does the lock list need in order to do its job? It needs enough space to hold information about all the X-type global locks held at a given time by the members of the DB2 data sharing group. Often people supporting DB2 data sharing systems don't think much about this, and usually they don't need to: these folks take the recommended approach of making the size of the DB2 lock structure a power of two (e.g., 64 MB, specified by way of the INITSIZE parameter for the structure in the system's coupling facility resource management policy, also known as the CFRM policy). When that's done, half the space in the lock structure will be used for the lock table, and half will be used for the lock list (the lock table size MUST be a power of two). In most cases, this approach provides plenty of lock list space (and that's good -- don't get stingy here).
Suppose your particular situation falls outside of the "most cases" norm? I recently encountered an interesting set of circumstances at a DB2 for z/OS site that made the "power of two" standard for lock structure size inappropriate. At this site, in a test environment, the lock list in a 327 MB lock structure (that's really big) got full. Let me put this in perspective for you: 327 MB is not a power of two. So, how big was the lock list in this lock structure? As mentioned previously, the lock table portion of a lock structure MUST be sized at a power of two. When the lock structure INITSIZE is not a power of two, upon initial structure build (or subsequent rebuild) the lock table portion of the structure will be sized at the power of two that will result in as close to a "50-50" split of space as possible between the lock table and the lock list. For a 327 MB lock structure that power of two for the lock table will be 128 MB (versus 64 MB or 256 MB). Subtract the 128 MB for the lock table from the 327 MB for the overall lock structure, and what you have left is 199 MB for the lock list. Will a lock list of that size have enough room to store a lot of global X-lock information? Yes: at a little over 300 bytes per lock list entry, a 199 MB lock list can accommodate over 600,000 list entries. That kind of capacity would typically be more than enough in a DB2 data sharing system, but in the situation to which I'm referring it fell short of the need. Why? Because at this site the migration of an application from a non-DB2 database to DB2 is requiring, at least for a time, some very large units of work (with respect to the number of update locks acquired by a program between commits). The ZPARM parameters NUMLKTS and NUMLKUS had been set to pretty high values to accommodate this requirement, but as mentioned the lock list in the test system did fill up and programs needing additional global X-locks abended as a result.
At this site, the lock list needs to be made larger (in fact, considerably larger), and that's going to happen -- but not in the way you might suppose. You might think that in this situation you'd just make the lock structure big enough (referring to INITSIZE) so that the lock list will be as big as needed, keeping in mind that, as noted, the size of the lock table part of the structure will be the power of two that gets you as close as possible to a 50-50 space split between the lock table and the lock list. In fact, that is NOT what this organization needs to do, for this simple reason: the lock table portion of the current lock structure, at 128 MB, is already plenty big and doesn't need to get any bigger (the adequacy of the lock table's size is indicated by a very low rate of false contention, which I briefly described above). The solution here is to keep the lock structure's INITSIZE as-is, and to substantially boost the value of the SIZE parameter for the structure in the CFRM policy. The SIZE value specifies the size up to which a coupling facility structure can be dynamically increased (by way of a SETXCF command) after it has been initially built (or rebuilt). Now, here's the really important point in the context of the referenced organization's need for substantially more lock list space: when a lock structure is made dynamically larger by way of a SETXCF command (and again, this can only be done if the value of SIZE exceeds the value of INITSIZE for the structure in the CFRM policy), ALL of the added space is used for the lock list -- the size of the lock table does not change (a larger INITSIZE and a structure rebuild would be needed to increase the size of the lock table). So, if INITSIZE for a lock structure is, say, 256 MB, and SIZE for the structure is 512 MB, and if the structure is initially built and then 100 MB is dynamically added to the structure's size through execution of a SETXCF command, the effect will be a 100 MB increase in the size of the lock list (which should give you room for an extra 320,000 or so additional lock list entries).
Another thing about dynamically increasing the size of the lock list: suppose, as in the example at the end of the preceding paragraph, you had a lock structure with an INITSIZE of 256 MB and a SIZE of 512 MB, and after initial structure build you dynamically increased the size of the structure by 100 MB. That would leave you with another 156 MB of available dynamic-size-increase capability. How would you know when to use that? IRLM (DB2's lock manager component) will tell you. If the lock list gets pretty full (50% full), IRLM will issue message DXR170I. That message will be issued again if the lock list becomes 60% full, and again if it gets to 70% full. If the lock list gets really full (80%), IRLM will issue message DXR142E. That message will be issued again if the lock list gets to 90% full, and again if it gets to 100% full, but you'd want to act on the 80% full message because at 90% full you're likely to start getting application program abends.
In summary: the lock list portion of the lock structure serves its purpose when a DB2 subsystem in a data sharing group fails, and that tends to be a pretty rare event. Still, you need to make sure that you have enough space in your lock list to hold all the global X-locks that might accumulate in your DB2 data sharing system, because running short on this space could result in application program abend events. In my experience, the lock list space that people have is usually plenty big for their needs, but there are situations in which the accumulation of a really large number of X-type global locks across a data sharing group can be expected. If that's the case at your site, be ready with a big-enough lock list that you can dynamically enlarge if needed. In other words, make sure that this insurance policy is in order and reflects the characteristics of your DB2 application environment.
Hi Robert, We are facing issues with rebuilding SCA when we migrate our DB2 V11 system(on z/OS 2.2) from ENFM to NFM. Reason ABND=04E-00F70601.
ReplyDeleteDSN7508I -DBN1 DSN7LRW1
Do we have any limitations with the size of SCA as we have only 6MB in our sandbox system and its only 10% used.
Ram R.
Might be a good idea to open a PMR for this issue with the IBM Support Center.
DeleteThe 0C1C0C17 reason code from MVS IXLLIST indicates that the structure could not be accessed because it is full. If you think that you should not be getting this error (e.g., if you display information about the structure and see that in fact it is not full), one possible cause for the problem could be a SIZE for the structure in the CFRM policy that is more than twice the value of INITSIZE (see info APAR II14807: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=isg1II14807).
Hi Robert, Thanks for this wonderful explanation about lock structures. Looking at several links and guides from different places to understand this, it was mind boggling.
ReplyDeleteOne question, from the example you mentioned about 327MB for lock structure (128M for lock table and rest 199M for lock list). Is there a chance that it could allocate this as 256M for Lock table and only 71M for Lock list ?
Because in my environment, the INITSIZE is 1320M and SIZE is 1660M. And we are getting DXR142E at times.
So if I had to increase INITSIZE (considering power of two), it could go to 2048M (which I think is very high).
If you can solve my doubt (mentioned in first para), I believe, so far with INITSIZE 1320M, the lock table uses 1024M and only remaining 296M is available for lock list and that is the reason we keep getting DXr170Is and 142Es. In that case, I could just increase 1320M to 1600M (about 20%) and so the lock list has about 576M for it now.
Actually, with a lock structure INITSIZE of 1320 MB, my expectation would be a 512 MB lock table and an 808 MB lock list - this because, by default, the system will divide space between the lock table and the lock list so as to get as close to a 50-50 split as possible, given that the lock table size has to be a power of 2. A 512/808 (MB) split between lock table and lock list is a lot closer to 50-50 (for a 1320 MB structure) than a 1024/296 split.
DeleteSo, if you have an 808 MB lock list and it's getting close to full, you just have a whole lot of currently-held X-type global locks in your data sharing system at certain times. That could be due to things such as use of row-level locking and/or to processes that accumulate a large number of global X-type locks between commits. If you dynamically increase the lock structure's allocated size up to the current SIZE limit, all the extra space will indeed go to the lock list.
If you want a split of lock structure space that gives more room to the lock list than the default "as close as possible to 50-50" rule, you can specify your own lock table size via the command MODIFY irlmproc, with an LTE specification (through that command option you provide a power-of-two number of lock table entries, and the rest of the lock structure will be used for lock list space).
As an alternative to a MODIFY irlmproc command, you can include the same LTE specification in your IRLMPROC.
Whether you use a MODIFY irlmproc command with an LTE specification or you change the LTE value in your IRLMPROC, a rebuild of the lock structure would be required to effect the requested change in the split of space between the lock table and the lock list.
A couple of useful references in the online Db2 for z/OS documentation are https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/db2-for-zos/12?topic=commands-modify-irlmprocset-zos-irlm and https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/db2-for-zos/12?topic=structure-changing-size-lock-by-rebuilding.
Understood the split. Thank you very much, Robert.
DeleteHi Robert,
ReplyDeleteThanks for detailed explanation.
In our environment, the lock structure defined with INITSIZE 32 MB and SIZE as 64 MB for 2 - way data sharing member. Getting DXR142E error at times, so we have increased the size of the lock structure with INITSIZE as 64 MB and 128 MB. Now I could see the below values in the DISPLAY GROUP command output.
Still I am not clear with the size allocation for lock table and lock list. Could you please guide on this.
Question for you: what is the value for LOCK ENTRY SIZE for this Db2 for z/OS system? That is a parameter in the IRLM proc - it is specified in Db2 for z/OS installation/migration CLIST panel DSNTIPJ, aka IRLM panel 2 (see https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/db2-for-zos/13?topic=2-lock-entry-size-field). The possible values of that parameter are 2, 4 and 8.
Hi Robert,
ReplyDeleteThanks for your response.
I cannot see the lock entry size field in the IRLM PROC. But MAXUSRS value is 7, so I believe the lock entry size field should be 2.
DBA trying to drop a view which is called in multiple packages and their job failing with -904 error with reason 00C900BF on resource type 304 (row id) and resource name DSNDB06.SYSTSPKD.
We have changed the CF structure size from 64 MB to 128 MB and INITSIZE from 32 MB to 64 MB. DBA yet to rerun their failed job.
My doubt is that even after the CF structure changes, number of lock entries showing the same value 8388608.
First, I don't see what the size of the lock structure has to do with a -904 error that points to a row in the table space that holds the SYSPACKDEP catalog table.
DeleteSecond, the DXR142E message you mentioned earlier has to do with the lock list part of the lock structure - not the lock table part of the structure.
Third, if you redefined the lock structure in your CFRM policy with an INITSIZE of 64 MB, and you rebuilt the lock structure to put the new INITSIZE value into effect, this should have resulted in a lock structure in which space is divided evenly (32 MB apiece) between the lock table and the lock list. If the lock entry size is 2 bytes, a 32 MB lock table should have about 16 million entries - I don't know why your lock table has about 8 million entries. You might need to open a case with IBM Support to get that figured out.
Hi Robert,
DeleteJob trying to drop 50+ views on a particular table and the views are referred in multiple packages. Job failing with -904 on SYSPACKDEP catalog table with reason code 00C900BF and resource name DSNDB0B.SYSTSPKD.
Yes, the job is failing due to the shortage of lock list entries.
My doubt is that the CF lock structure values are increased. But the allocation values of lock table and lock list are not showing as expected. I will check with IBM on this. Thanks for your time and help.
OK, but job failure due to lock list being full is not the same as job failure due to inability to change a row in SYSIBM.SYSPACKDEP.
DeleteAlso, if you want more space in the lock list part of the lock structure, increasing the size of the lock table part of the structure is not the way to do that. A bigger lock table means more lock entries (and so, reduced falso contention) - it does not mean more space for entries in the lock list. To have more space for entries in the lock list, you need to enlarge the lock list part of the lock structure.
Hi Robert,
ReplyDeleteMay I know how you are deriving lock table should have 16 million entries instead of 8 million ?
If a lock structure has an INITSIZE of 64 MB, that means that, by default, space in the lock structure will be evenly divided between the lock table and the lock list. That means a 32 MB lock table. If the size of a lock table entry is 2 bytes, you should have around 16 million lock entries in a 32 MB lock table (32 MB / 2 bytes) = approximately 16 million.
Thanks Robert.