Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A Tiger Changes His Stripes: I LIKE Java on z/OS

I well remember a phone conversation, from about six or seven years ago, during which a friend of mine and I discussed an application project at his site which involved use of DB2 for z/OS stored procedures. Me: "In what language will the stored procedure programs be written?" My friend (sounding like someone whose favorite sports team had just lost the championship game): "Java." Me (groaning): "Java? Why Java?" My friend: "Because some 'insultants' told our management that that was the right way to go." I probably winced at that point -- both because I felt his pain, and because I was working at the time as an independent DB2 insultant (er, consultant).

My disappointment on hearing my friend's news was genuine. Sometime later, I was asked to weigh in on an issue that people with another organization were trying to decide: should some new DB2 for z/OS stored procedures be coded in Java or SQL PL (i.e., SQL Procedure Language, used to create DB2 native SQL procedures). That was a no-brainer, as far as I was concerned. SQL PL was my recommendation because I really like DB2's native SQL procedure functionality, and because I really didn't like the idea of running Java programs in z/OS systems. I was fine with Java code executing in a browser on my laptop, or in an application server on a distributed systems platform, but on a mainframe? No! I saw Java, in the context of a z/OS execution environment, as being a CPU and a memory hog, a waste of processing capacity. Want performance and efficiency from your z/OS programs? You don't want Java.

Well, that was then, and a funny thing happened on the way to now: I started encountering more and more organizations running Java programs on z/OS systems, and they were getting excellent performance and throughput, and people weren't griping about mainframe resource utilization. How could that be? Had reality been warped in some way? No, nothing that cosmic. Basically, what changed was technology -- IBM System z and z/OS technology, in particular. A lot of the changes were on the hardware side, including:
  • zAAPs and zIIPs to reduce the cost of computing for z/OS-based Java applications. zAAPs (System z Application Assist Processor) and zIIPs (System z Integrated Information Processor) are specialty engines that pack the power and performance of System z general-purpose central processors (GCPs) but do not factor into the cost of mainframe software (that's based on GCP capacity). zAAPs are specifically intended to run Java workloads (as well as handling XML data processing functions). zIIPs, while typically driven primarily by DB2 for z/OS DDF/DRDA (i.e., network-attached client-server) processing, can also be used for zAAP-eligible work when a system does not have zAAP engines (that's called zAAP-on-zIIP). zAAPs and zIIPs have been around for a while, but they've come lately to the forefront in terms of Java processing in large part because of the aforementioned zAAP-on-zIIP capability, and as a result of the recent (July 2013) increase in the allowable ratio of zAAP and zIIP engines to GCPs on a zEC12 or zBC12 server (whereas the number of zAAP or zIIP engines on a mainframe formerly could not exceed the number of GCPs on the server, now for a zEC12 or zBC12 server there can be up to twice the number of zAAPs or zIIPs as GCPs).
  • More and cheaper mainframe memory, and new ways to manage it. I no longer think of Java as a memory hog on z/OS systems, any more than I think of DB2 as a memory hog. Like DB2, Java applications are exploiters of large server memory resources: give them more memory, and they'll perform better and with greater efficiency. Providing Big Memory for Java applications on z/OS is much more feasible and practical now than was the case just a few years ago. A modern mainframe (z196 or zEC12) can be configured with up to three terabytes of central storage, and that memory is far lest costly per gigabyte than it would have been in the not-too-distant past. And, this is not just a more-and-cheaper story -- there's a smarter angle, too, in the form of large frame support. Instead of managing all memory in 4 KB page frames, modern mainframes provide the ability to have some of a z/OS system's memory managed in 1 MB frames, thereby boosting CPU efficiency by reducing the overhead associated with translating virtual to real storage addresses. A JVM (Java virtual machine) in a z/OS system can be set up to use non-pageable 1 MB page frames for heap storage, and (if the server has Flash Express for super-fast paging) pageable 1 MB frames for JIT (just-in-time compiler) work areas. With a zEC12 or zBC12 server, the Java heap can be backed by 2 GB page frames for even greater efficiency.
  • Transactional Execution (TX) facility. This capability, known in the industry as hardware transactional memory, is essentially an in-hardware implementation of optimistic locking for transactional workloads. The TX facility, a feature of zEC12 and zBC12 servers, is aimed largely at boosting the performance of Java application workloads through lock avoidance.
  • In-hardware boosts for decimal floating-point and IEEE binary floating-point operations. Java applications often make use of these operations.
  • Runtime instrumentation (RI). This is a hardware facility, introduced with the zEC12 and zBC12 servers, that delivers a dynamic and self-tuning online recompilation capability for Java applications.

So, today's zEnterprise servers and the z/OS operating system provide an outstanding execution environment for Java applications. How are organizations implementing DB2 for z/OS-accessing Java programs in this environment? This is what I'm seeing:
  • The IBM JZOS Toolkit. This is a set of of classes, distributed with the IBM Java SDKs for z/OS, that can be used to launch Java applications as batch jobs or started tasks in a z/OS system. Also included in the toolkit are Java methods that facilitate access to z/OS data sources and services such as DB2. More information about the classes associated with the JZOS Toolkit can be found in developerWorks on IBM's Web site.
  • DB2 for z/OS Java stored procedures. Java as a language for stored procedure development has been supported by DB2 for z/OS since Version 5 (late 1990s), but for a long time there was not a lot of activity here, due largely, I think, to the historically negative view of Java on z/OS to which I alluded in the opening part of this blog entry. Nowadays, Java stored procedures are showing up at a growing number of DB2 sites. This trend should get a boost from DB2 11 for z/OS, which added support for running Java stored procedures in 64-bit JVMs (previously, only 31-bit JVMs were supported for Java stored procedures). Not only that, but these are multi-threaded JVMs; so, in a DB2 11 system you'll have a single 64-bit JVM per WLM-managed stored procedure address space in which Java stored procedures run, versus having a 31-bit JVM for each TCB in such an address space. That means a smaller JVM storage footprint, less overhead associated with starting JVMs, and more concurrently active Java stored procedures per stored procedure address space.
  • WebSphere Application Server (WAS) for z/OS. I'm encountering WAS on z/OS a lot more than was the case just a few years ago. An organization with which I work pretty extensively is a case in point: they have a modern, high-volume, business-critical, client-server application that is wholly contained within a z/OS system, with business logic running in WAS and a DB2 subsystem on the same LPAR providing data management (and a good bit of data access logic in the form of stored procedures and user-defined functions). Plenty of other companies have gone, or are planning on going, this same route. One of the interesting aspects of such an environment is the decision presented regarding the choice of JDBC driver for the WAS-based, DB2-accessing Java applications: type 2 (a "local" connection using the DB2 Recoverable Resource Services Attach Facility) or type 4 (a "remote" connection through the DDF address space of the target DB2 subsystem). The type 2 JDBC driver provides the more CPU-efficient connection to a DB2 subsystem in the same LPAR as WAS. The type 4 driver, while adding to connection pathlength (this because the connection involves going into the LPAR's TCP/IP stack and then into the DB2 DDF address space), increases zIIP engine offload for SQL statement execution because the statements run under enclave SRBs in DDF. Which JDBC driver should you use? That will vary by application. For an application with transactions that issue a lot of quick-running SQL statements, the type 2 driver might be a good fit, as there could be a premium in that case on getting to DB2 and back as efficiently as possible. For applications characterized by a smaller number of longer-running SQL statements, the greater zIIP offload for SQL execution provided by the type 4 JDBC driver might tilt you in that direction. The good news? Going from one driver to the other for an application is a pretty simple thing. It's not a big deal to try both of them.

And so you have it. The positive results that organizations with which I work have gotten in running Java on z/OS systems has caused me to change my tune (or my stripes, as suggested by this entry's title). Tell me now that you're running Java on z/OS, and you won't hear me groan. Instead, I'm likely to say, "That's a fine choice you've made, there." My colleagues at the IBM Poughkeepsie (zEnterprise and z/OS) and Silicon Valley Labs (DB2 for z/OS), who've worked hard to make z/OS an excellent platform for Java applications, would wholeheartedly agree.

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