Friday, July 31, 2015

DB2 for z/OS Group Buffer Pools: ALLOWAUTOALT, Directory Entries, and GBP Size

So, I've seen something interesting lately in reviewing some DB2 for z/OS data sharing systems, and as is often the case in such situations, when I see something interesting I want to write about it. Thus this blog entry. Hope you find it to be useful.

What has caught my eye recently in looking over DB2 data sharing configuration information? Big group buffer pool (GBP) directory to data entry ratios. Like 29:1. 30:1. 32:1. 34:1. The default ratio is 5:1. What's going on here?

I'll provide at this point a bit of background information. In a DB2 data sharing system, group buffer pools have a couple of functions. First, they are used to keep track of pages of GBP-dependent objects that are cached in members' local buffer pools, so that the system can mark the copy of page X cached in buffer pool BP3 on member DBP1 invalid if that page is changed by a process running on member DBP2. Second, they serve as a super-high-performance cache for changed data and index pages, so that when member DBP1 sees that the copy of page X that it had cached locally in BP3 has been marked invalid, it can pull the current image of the page from GBP3 (to which the page was written by DBP2 at the time of the commit of a change to the page effected on that member) in a few microseconds. There is usually more page registration activity than GBP page write activity in a data sharing system (not every page read is changed), so the ratio of 5 directory entries (used to register the local caching of pages belonging to GBP-dependent objects) for every 1 data entry (used for caching changed pages of GBP-dependent objects) is a sensible default setting.

There will be times when table spaces and/or indexes assigned to a given buffer pool have a mix of read versus update activity that makes a downward or upward adjustment of the default directory-to-data entry ratio, to, say, 3:1 or 8:1, in the corresponding GBP a reasonable performance tuning action. A ratio greater than 20:1 seems high to me.

On seeing, just a couple of weeks ago, a very high GBP directory-to-data entry ratio in analyzing system information at a mainframe DB2 site, I asked, "Why did you set that ratio to such a high value?" The response: "We didn't do that." I asked, "Is that GBP defined with ALLOWAUTOALT(YES) in the CFRM policy for this data sharing group?" "Yes." Ah, so.

ALLOWAUTOALT can be a useful specification for a coupling facility structure, as it allows the system to dynamically adjust some characteristics of the structure to enhance operational efficiency and availability. When the structure is a GBP, ALLOWAUTOALT can alter the GBP's directory-to-data entry ratio. Why would the system do that, maybe up to a very high value? That happens in an effort by the system to avoid what are called directory entry reclaims. Those can happen when the number of "slots" into which pages of objects assigned to a given buffer pool can go (and that number of "slots" would be all of the buffers in, for example, BP4 on each member of the data sharing group, plus all of the data entries in GBP4) exceeds the number of directory entries in the associated GBP. If BP4 has 50,000 buffers on member DBP1 and another 50,000 buffers on member DBP2, and GBP4 has 10,000 data entries, that's 110,000 "slots" into which, conceivably (though not probably), 110,000 different pages could be placed. If the GBP has 50,000 directory entries, that discrepancy could result in the system having to steal, or reclaim, an in-use directory entry in order to track a page being newly brought into a member's local buffer pool. When such a directory reclaim occurs, the page that WAS being tracked using the reclaimed directory entry is preemptively marked as invalid, wherever it's locally cached. When THAT happens, the page will likely have to be read back into memory from disk when next referenced, and the page read in from disk is likely to be identical to the one that is already cached in memory, but marked invalid, on the reading member (because the invalidation was caused by a directory entry reclaim and not by a page update on another member). Thus it is that directory entry reclaims drive disk reads that would otherwise be unnecessary. That's a drag on performance, and that's why you like to avoid directory entry reclaims (directory entry reclaim activity for GBPn can be checked via the output of the DB2 command -DISPLAY GROUPBUFFERPOOL(GBPn) GDETAIL).

I've seen that with ALLOWAUTOALT in effect for a GBP, the system will often increase the directory-to-data entry ratio for a GBP in an effort to avoid directory entry reclaims. If the ratio were made too high, you could end up with a number of data entries in a GBP that is so small that you get GBP write failures due to lack of storage (also trackable via -DISPLAY GROUPBUFFERPOOL(GNPn) GDETAIL command output). You really don't want GBP write failures to occur, because they can cause pages to land on the logical page list (LPL), and that can lead to failures of programs that try to access LPL pages. The good news here is that ALLOWAUTOALT functions with that admonition in mind (figuratively speaking): I tend NOT to see any GBP write failures due to lack of storage for GBPs that have had their directory-to-data entry ratio automatically adjusted upwards through ALLOWAUTOALT(YES).

That doesn't mean that a significant upwards adjustment of a GBP's directory-to-data entry ratio is completely without penalty, even when no GBP write failures occur. Because more directory entries means fewer data entries (absent an increase in the size of a GBP), a directory-to-data entry ratio increase will result in shorter GBP residency time for changed pages written to the GBP at commit time. That, in turn, leads to a degradation in the one GBP read hit ratio that matters to me: the hit ratio for GBP reads due to buffer invalidation (which I also call the "XI" GBP read hit ratio, for a reason that will be apparent). This read hit ratio can be calculated for a member of a DB2 data sharing group using numbers found in a DB2 monitor statistics long report, or an online monitor display of GBP activity (you can also find information on GBP reads due to buffer invalidations in the output of the DB2 command -DISPLAY GROUPBUFFERPOOL(GBPn) MDETAIL). In an IBM OMEGAMON for DB2 statistics long report, the numbers would look like this:

GROUP BP3                      QUANTITY
----------------------------   --------
GROUP BP R/W RATIO (%)            41.23


The overall GBP hit ratio (highlighted in blue above) is not important to me. Neither is the read hit ratio for GBP synchronous reads due to page not found, which one can calculate using the numbers highlighted in green (it's usually pure luck when a page not found in a local buffer pool is found in the corresponding GBP). The "XI" read hit ratio, calculated using the numbers highlighted in red in the OMEGAMON report snippet, matters. These figures indicate the result of synchronous GBP reads due to buffer invalidation (XI, for short). If there are no directory entry reclaims for a GBP, you KNOW that any local pool buffer invalidations occurred because of the updating of a page of a GBP-dependent page set or partition. Such an updated page would HAVE to be written by DBP2 (if that was the member on which the page-changing action occurred) to the appropriate GBP, and your hope is that the page is still in the GBP when member DBP1 goes there looking for it (and DBP1 will look for the page in the GBP when its locally cached copy of the page, invalidated via member DBP2's update action, is referenced). The longer a changed page stays in a GBP, the better the odds that it will be found there (versus having to be read from disk, which takes MUCH more time than a GBP read) when it is next referenced by a member with an old (since updated) copy of the page in its local buffer pool. More GBP data entries means longer GBP page residency time, and thus more hits for GBP reads due to buffer invalidation. Fewer GBP data entries means shorter GBP page residency times, and a lower "XI" GBP read hit ratio. The numbers in the OMEGAMON report information shown above (displaying activity in a real-world system) provide this "XI" GBP read hit ratio:

39,738.37 / (39,738.37 + 451.85) = 98.87%

That's a very good "XI" GBP read hit ratio. I often see "XI" GBP read hit ratios that are 90% or better (when GBPs are adequately sized), and I don't think that it's unreasonable for you to shoot for a similarly high ratio.

Here, then, is what I'd recommend: check the directory-to-data entry ratio for your production DB2 GBPs. Is it really high for a GBP (I'd say that 20 or more to one is quite high)? If so, how does the "XI" read hit ratio for that GBP look? If that read hit ratio is low (I'd say that below 70% is low, and below 40% is quite low), see if you have enough memory available in the coupling facility LPAR to significantly enlarge the GBP. If you can accomplish that GBP enlargement, see if that allows for a reduction in the directory-to-data entry ratio for the GBP that still provides enough directory entries to avoid directory entry reclaims (auto-alter can lower the ratio dynamically -- if you manually change a GBP's directory-to-data entry ratio via an -ALTER BUFFERPOOL command, that change will take effect the next time the GBP is allocated). Finally, see if those two actions (bigger GBP, lower directory-to-data entry ratio) yields enough additional data entries to substantially improve the "XI" read hit ratio for the GBP. If you do see that read hit ratio improve, you've enhanced the performance of your DB2 data sharing system.

ALLOWAUTOALT is useful in that it imbues coupling facility structures with some added flexibility and resiliency; however, in the case of GBPs, at least, ALLOWAUTOALT should not be thought of as a "set it and forget it" thing. You still need to monitor GBP configuration settings, and understand that when you see a really high directory-to-data entry ratio that was set through ALLOWAUTOALT action, that's the system trying to make the best use of a GBP that is probably smaller than it ought to be. Making good use of too little GBP space is good. Providing more GBP space, in that situation, is better still.


  1. Hi,

    How to determine the size of GBP can be determined for ration 2:1. In your examples you used 5:1 ratio with that you are diving the total slots by 3. What should be used if the ration is 2:1.


    1. I provided a generalized approach to group buffer pool sizing, usable for any directory-to-data-entry ratio and any page size, in this blog post:


    2. Thanks a lot, We have a look.. Appreciate your help

  2. Robert, are these values used to calculate the XI GBP hit ratio (SYN.READ(XI)-DATA RETURNED and SYN.READ(XI)-NO DATA RETURN) externalized in RMF 74.4 and/or DB2 100 records? Or is Omegamon getting them from internal control blocks? Thanks, Todd Havekost

    1. Sorry about the delay in responding. The fields of interest are QBGLXD (XI GBP synch read, data returned) and QBGLXR (XI GBP synch read, data not returned). They are part of Db2 IFCID 0002, which is generated when statistics trace class 1 is active. The SMF record type is 100.


  3. Hi Robert
    One of my group bufferpools has a very high directory-to-data entry ratio of 231. The hit ratio for sync read due to XI is very low (below 1%). I found that the allocated pool size is only 225 MB while the max size in the policy specifies 488 MB.
    We are running with ALLOWAUTOALT = YES. Why does DB2 not increase the group bufferpool size up to 488 MB instead of increasing the directory-to-data entry ratio to an extreme level?

    1. Hello, Henrik.

      My short answer to your question is, "I don't know." I have certainly seen, at a number of sites, what you have observed at your site: for some reason, with ALLOWAUTOALT(YES) in effect, the system seems reluctant to increase the size of a GBP, even when that is a possibility (as it is when the structure's max size in the CFRM policy is larger that its allocated size). The system instead seems to strongly favor, as you've noticed, increasing the directory-to-date entry ratio in order to avoid directory entry reclaims - and sometimes that ratio is taken to a very high level. One question is: should you even care about this? I'd check the number of sync read requests due to XI directed to the GBP, per second (sum of sync reads due to XI that returned data, and sync reads due to XI that did not return data, per second). If that value is below 10 per second, I don't much care about even a really low XI read hit ratio. So what if a small number of pages per second have to be read from disk instead of being read from the GBP? If the GBP gets more than 10 sync read requests due to XI per second, I DO care about a really low GBP XI read hit ratio. If that's the case with the GBP on which you're focused, it would seem that you will need to manually increase the size of the GBP in order to boost the XI read hit ratio.



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