Monday, August 31, 2015

DB2 for z/OS: Which Buffer Pools Should You Page-Fix?

A few days ago, I delivered a presentation on DB2 for z/OS performance monitoring and tuning for the DBA team at a large financial institution. At one point during the session, an attendee asked this question: "Which of our buffer pools should we page-fix?" Because that's a good question, and because it's a question to which the answer has changed over the years, I decided to make it the subject of this blog entry.

The ability to fix a buffer pool in memory, accomplished through the PGFIX(YES) option of the -ALTER BUFFERPOOL command, was introduced with DB2 for z/OS Version 8. [Note that PGFIX(YES), unlike other -ALTER BUFFERPOOL specifications, does not take effect immediately for an already-allocated buffer pool. Actualizing this change requires deallocation and reallocation of the pool -- something typically accomplished by stopping and restarting the associated DB2 subsystem.] The benefit initially ascribed to page-fixed DB2 buffer pools was cheaper (in terms of CPU cost) I/O operations. How so? Well, if a DB2 buffer is not fixed in memory (and PGFIX(NO) is the default), DB2 has to request that z/OS fix the buffer in memory (i.e., make it non-pageable) every time a table space or index page is read into or written from the buffer (and that is true for reads and writes from and to group buffer pools in a DB2 data sharing environment, as well as reads and writes from and to disk volumes). When the I/O operation is complete, the buffer is "de-fixed" (i.e., made pageable again). Why is this done? It's done so that the buffer won't be stolen out from under DB2 by z/OS in the midst of the I/O operation. One pair of page-fix and page-release operations is pretty inexpensive, but when these happen at a rate of thousands per second, you're talking about a fairly significant consumption of processor resources (and keep in mind that a single prefetch read that brings, say, 32 pages of an object into memory will require 32 page-fix and 32 page-release actions). When the pages of a buffer pool are fixed in memory from the get-go, obviously page-fix and page-release actions are not required for every movement of a page into or out of a buffer, and thus I/O operations associated with a page-fixed buffer pool are more CPU-efficient than they otherwise would be. In-DB2 CPU time can be reduced, in some cases, by several percentage points for programs accessing data in a page-fixed DB2 buffer pool.

So, the original answer to the question, "Which of our buffer pools should we page-fix?" was, "The pools with the highest I/O rates." More specifically, I'd tell people to check on the total read I/O rate for each of the buffer pools of a production DB2 subsystem, and page-fix those pools having a rate of 1000 or more read I/Os per second, and perhaps as well pools with read I/O rates in the high hundreds per second. [The read I/O rate for a buffer pool is the number of synchronous reads plus the number of prefetch reads associated with the pool, expressed as a per-second figure. I/O activity information can be obtained from a DB2 monitor, or from the output of the DB2 command -DISPLAY BUFFERPOOL(ACTIVE) DETAIL. If the command is used, it should be issued once, then issued again an hour later. The statistics in the output of the second issuance of the command can then be divided by 3600 to get per-second figures.] In DB2 Version 8 and DB2 9 environments, specifying PGFIX(YES) for a low-I/O pool wouldn't do much good.

Along came DB2 10 for z/OS, and the answer to the "Which of our buffer pools should we page-fix?" question changed. It changed because of DB2 10's support for 1 MB real storage page frames (versus traditional 4 KB frames) for page-fixed buffer pools (1 MB page frames are themselves made available in a z/OS LPAR via the LFAREA parameter in the IEASYSxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB). When a buffer pool's pages are backed by 1 MB page frames, CPU efficiency is improved because the translation of virtual storage addresses to real storage addresses in that context is a less-costly process versus the 4 KB page frame situation (this thanks to a better hit ratio in what's called the translation lookaside buffer). That being the case, in DB2 10 (and 11) environments, high-I/O buffer pools are joined, as good choices for PGFIX(YES), by high-activity pools, and some in the latter category may not be in the former category. Sure, high-I/O pools are very likely to be high-activity pools (and I think that GETPAGEs per second is a good measure of activity), but a high-activity pool could very well be a low-I/O pool. In fact, a high-activity pool could be a no-I/O pool (no read I/Os, that is): consider a pool, defined with the DB2 10-introduced PGSTEAL(NONE) option, that is used to "pin" (that is, entirely cache) one or more database objects in memory. Ideally, you would see no read I/Os for such a pool once all of the pages belonging to table spaces or indexes assigned to the pool have been read into memory from disk (and for a PGSTEAL(NONE) buffer pool, DB2 will asynchronously read all of an associated object's pages into memory when the object is first referenced after pool allocation). If a "pinning" pool has a high GETPAGE rate, PGFIX(YES) could be a nice CPU-saving move.

The most recent development affecting the answer to the "Which buffer pools should we page-fix?" question is the advent of really large memory resources for z/OS LPARs. I like to see at least 20-40 GB of memory for each engine in a production z/OS LPAR (zIIP engines included, so I would want 160-320 GB -- or more -- of memory for a production z/OS LPAR with four general-purpose and four zIIP engines), and I'm seeing more LPARs that have this Big Memory characteristic. In a z/OS system with memory to burn, you might consider page-fixing ALL of the buffer pools for a production DB2 subsystem. [Here, I'm talking about a situation in which a z/OS LPAR holds a single production DB2 subsystem, and the size of that subsystem's buffer pool configuration is less than half of the LPAR's real storage size. If there are multiple DB2 subsystems in the LPAR, I'd want the combined size of those subsystems' buffer pool configurations to be not more than half of the LPAR's real storage size.] A set-up like this is not blue sky thinking on my part. It's reality. An organization with which I've worked a good bit over the past few years has a production DB2 subsystem in a z/OS LPAR with 9 engines (5 general-purpose, 4 zIIP) and 212 GB of real storage. The DB2 subsystem has a 90 GB buffer pool configuration, and every one of the buffer pools is defined with PGFIX(YES). The demand paging rate for that z/OS LPAR (my preferred measure of the pressure on a z/OS LPAR's memory resource) is zero -- even with 90 GB of the LPAR's real storage fenced off for exclusive use for buffering DB2 data, the remaining 122 GB is more than enough for other memory users in the system. Now, even if you have a z/OS LPAR with a ginormous amount of real storage, don't just change to PGFIX(YES) for all of a production DB2 subsystem's buffer pools at one time. Do that, instead, in stages, and keep an eye on the LPAR's demand paging rate (available from a z/OS monitor). You're good if that rate is zero. If it's non-zero but low (e.g., 1 or 2 per second), you're not in a bad situation, but you might want to put the brakes on additional use of PGFIX(YES) until you can get more memory on the system.

In conclusion, the answer to the question, "Which buffer pools should we page-fix?" depends on the nature of your DB2 environment:
  • If the z/OS LPAR's demand paging rate is on the high side (high single digits or more per second), you might want to stay away from PGFIX(YES) altogether until you can add to the LPAR's real storage resource.
  • If the z/OS LPAR's demand paging rate is low but non-zero (e.g., in the vicinity of 1 or 2 per second), consider page-fixing one or more of your buffer pools that have the highest total read I/O rates.
  • If the z/OS LPAR's demand paging rate is zero and you are running DB2 10 or 11, consider page-fixing the pools that have the highest read I/O rates and the pools that have the highest GETPAGE rates (assuming that you are managing some of the LPAR's real storage resource in 1 MB page frames).
  • If you have a z/OS LPAR with memory to burn (running z/OS on what I would call a muscle machine -- rev it up, baby), and you're running DB2 10 or 11, consider page-fixing all of the buffer pools for a production DB2 subsystem. [And one more thing: if you have one or more REALLY BIG buffer pools (meaning 20 GB or more for a single pool) in a DB2 11 environment, consider backing that pool with 2 GB page frames (if the system has such -- again, this is related to the LFAREA parameter in member IEASYSxx of SYS1.PARMLIB), by way of the new FRAMESIZE option of the -ALTER BUFFERPOOL command. For a pool that's not really big, 2 GB page frames won't make much of a difference, CPU efficiency-wise.]

Hope this information proves to be helpful for you. Survey your DB2 landscape, and leverage buffer pool page-fixing as it makes sense for your environment.


  1. This is great information Robert. I've been reading about page fixing and large page frames but never could find anything that explained how it worked or why it would make a difference. Your article explains it all very nicely. I'm now going to see how much memory we have available and pursue some changes. Thanks

    1. I'm glad that you found this blog entry to be useful, Russell.



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