Tuesday, August 30, 2011

DB2 for z/OS and SNA: Breaking the Ties that (Used to) Bind

I don't know if there are any industries in which things change as quickly (and constantly) as they do in the realm of information technology. Just a few years ago, clouds were what produced rain, streams were watercourses, and Ruby on Rails might have been a reference to your aunt taking the express train to New York City. Today, those are all IT terms. It can be kind of dizzying, keeping up with all this new stuff.

Fortunately (especially for us old-timers), even in IT there are those technology rocks that endure, providing a sense of stability amidst the swirl of change. Magnetic disk drives are still the dominant data storage media. Various server operating systems -- z/OS (descendant of MVS), UNIX variants, Linux, and Windows -- have stood the test of time. Relational database management systems are still very much mainstream, as challengers that have arisen over the years have faded away or become niche technologies. And then there's SNA, right? Good old Systems Network Architecture, that robust, feature-rich communications protocol that reliably gets data to and from mainframes. We'll always have SNA, won't we? Well, maybe not...

I remember when TCP/IP, the now-pervasive data communications protocol, was first getting a lot of attention in z/OS circles. It was the 1990s. Client-server computing was on the rise, and lots of organizations wanted their mainframes to be the servers on client-server configurations. With TCP/IP being the lingua franca of PCs and distributed systems servers, z/OS had to be able to support this protocol, and in time it did. Still, SNA remained heavily in use in mainframe environments, owing largely to the fact that TCP/IP, at the time, lacked some of the high-availability and diagnostic features of SNA -- features that were held in particularly high regard by the folks responsible for operating data centers that housed mainframe servers. Years passed, and TCP/IP became a much more robust communications protocol, to the extent that organizations could utilize TCP/IP instead of SNA without having to compromise on network robustness and availability. Thus, use of SNA, even in mainframe environments, steadily declined. But you still need SNA, and VTAM (the mainframe communications subsystem that enables the use of SNA), for some aspects of DB2 for z/OS processing, right?

WRONG. Starting with DB2 9 for z/OS running in New Function Mode (NFM), you can actually cut the cord between DB2 and VTAM (and SNA), and go 100% TCP/IP. Technically, this is accomplished by modifying the DDF record in the bootstrap data set (BSDS). How do you do this? The way you make any changes to the BSDS: via the change log inventory utility, also known as DSNJU003 (given what you can do with DSNJU003, it would be nice if it were rechristened as the "change BSDS" utility). Specifically, you submit a DSNJU003 job with a DDF statement. In that DDF statement, specify an IPNAME for the DB2 subsystem (or for the data sharing group, if the DB2 subsystem is a member of a group). IMPORTANT: do NOT add an IPNAME to the DDF record in the BSDS if you need your DB2 subsystem to process DRDA requests coming in over both TCP/IP and SNA. If you need to support both TCP/IP and SNA for DRDA requests, have an LUNAME in the DDF record in the BSDS and ensure that there is NOT an IPNAME in that record. Once the DDF record contains an IPNAME value, DB2 will not even try to activate its SNA communications support, even if some remote client sends a DRDA request to the subsystem using SNA. So, don't add an IPNAME to the DDF record in the BSDS until you are sure that you no longer need SNA support for a DB2 subsystem. Note that in a data sharing group, you could have one or more members supporting only TCP/IP communications, while other members support both TCP/IP and SNA. In that case, the IPNAME in the BSDS DDF record of the TCP/IP-only members must match the GENERIC LUNAME used by the members that are supporting both TCP/IP and SNA communications.

Once you have supplied an IPNAME for a subsystem in its BSDS DDF record (i.e., once you go to TCP/IP-only communications for DRDA requests), you can subsequently execute the DSNJU003 utility with the NOLUNAME option in the DDF statement. This will remove the LUNAME value from the DDF record in the BSDS (if you run DSNJU003 with NOLUNAME, no other DDF parameter specification is allowed -- NOLUNAME has to appear by itself in the DDF statement of the utility).

And there you have it: no LUNAME, no SNA, no association with VTAM. What'll change next? We'll see. At least the IBM logo still has those striped letters. Hold onto that, Big Blue!


  1. Since DDF now uses the BSDS Communication record, what is the IPNAMES table used for if you only have TCPIP/DRDA connections.

    1. The information in the communications record in the BSDS is used when DB2 for z/OS is acting as a DRDA server (i.e., for inbound requests). The information in the communications database (which includes the IPNAMES table) is used when DB2 for z/OS is acting as a DRDA requester (i.e., sending requests to remote DRDA servers).

      A good description of SYSIBM.IPNAMES and the other tables in the communications database can be found in section 3.2.2 of the IBM redbook titled, "DB2 9 for z/OS: Distributed Functions" (one of my all-time favorite redbooks). The document can be downloaded from this URL: http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/abstracts/sg246952.html?Open



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