Sunday, July 29, 2012

DB2 10 (and 9) for z/OS: I Need 128 GB of WHAT?

The other day, I got a note from a mainframe DB2 DBA who'd seen a system requirement for DB2 10 that had him concerned. This DBA, whose company was preparing for the migration of their DB2 9 subsystems to DB2 10, had read the following in the text of IBM APAR II14564 (an "info" APAR that documents some DB2 9-to-10 migration and fallback considerations):

Ensure that you have defined a high enough value for HVSHARE... to satisfy all requests on this LPAR. DB2 Version 10 requires 128GB of contiguous 64-bit shared private storage above the 2GB bar for each DB2 subsystem... If not enough contiguous storage for... HVSHARE exists, the DB2 [subsystem] will abend with S0DC2 RC8A001721 at the first starting.

128 GB is a lot of space. That and the "for each subsystem" bit really jumped out at the DBA. As he pointed out in his note, "We have four subsystems on an LPAR and that would be half a terabyte."

I'll tell anyone who's concerned about this what I told the DBA who contacted me: RELAX. Most important point: this is VIRTUAL storage we're talking about, not real storage. Second most important point: this HVSHARE value (a parameter in the IEASYSxx member of PARMLIB) establishes the BOUNDARY of an area of z/OS virtual storage -- it demarcates the part of z/OS virtual storage that is available for use by subsystems in the form of something called shared private storage. How can something be both shared and private? I'll get to that in a moment.

The 128 GB of HVSHARE space required by DB2 is, more than likely, just a small portion of the total HVSHARE space defined on your system: the DEFAULT value of HVSHARE is 510 TERABYTES. How can any system support 510 TB of HVSHARE virtual storage? Easy: shared private storage does not have to be backed by real storage when it's allocated -- it only has to be backed by real storage as it's USED. The amount of HVSHARE space used by DB2 and other subsystems will probably be a small fraction of what's allocated on the z/OS LPAR. You might see a few hundred megabytes, or maybe a gigabyte or two, of shared private storage used by a production DB2 subsystem -- nothing remotely close to 128 GB (DB2 10 uses more shared private storage than does DB2 9, for reasons noted a little further on in this entry). If you have the current version of IBM's Tivoli OMEGAMON XE for DB2 Performance Expert on z/OS monitor, you can see, in a statistics report or online display, the amount of shared private storage used by a DB2 subsystem. Are you concerned that the default of 510 TB of z/OS virtual storage available for use as shared private storage will leave little virtual storage space for other uses? No need to worry about that: 64-bit addressing enables access to 16 million terabytes of virtual storage. Setting aside 510 of those 16 million terabytes for shared private storage is not a big deal.

Now, how does DB2 use shared private memory? That actually depends on the release of DB2 to which you're referring. You see, DB2 9 was actually the first DB2 for z/OS release to exploit shared private memory (a technology delivered with z/OS 1.5 in the mid-2000s). Here's the story: a lot of data is transferred between certain DB2 address spaces (for example, between the DDF and DBM1 address spaces, and between utility address spaces and DBM1). If said data can be exchanged by way of an area of virtual storage that is part of both of the participating address spaces, the CPU cost of data transfer operations is reduced. An option here would be to use common storage, which is part of every address space. One problem with that approach is that making common storage bigger to accommodate large inter-address space exchanges of data reduces the private portion of virtual storage for all address spaces. Why make the private part of every address space smaller when the data exchanges we're talking about involve just a few DB2 address spaces? Shared private storage offered a better solution: a section of virtual storage in which shared memory objects could be created -- these being areas of virtual storage that can be shared by address spaces, but only by address spaces that register to use a particular shared memory object (that's what makes the virtual storage both shared and private). Beginning with DB2 9, the DDF, DBM1, and MSTR address spaces (and, as mentioned, address spaces in which some DB2 utilities execute) are registered to use the DB2 shared memory object, which is created at DB2 start-up time in the portion of virtual storage reserved for this purpose by way of the HVSHARE specification.

So, if DB2 9 is the release that first exploited shared private storage, how is it that DB2 10 has more people talking about this z/OS resource? The answer, in a word, is threads. One of the big benefits provided by DB2 10 for z/OS is constraint relief as it pertains to virtual storage below the 2 GB "bar." This big free-up of space was achieved by moving almost all thread- and stack-related storage above the bar ("stack" storage is essentially working storage). Most of this thread and stack storage is of the shared private variety; so, the amount of shared private storage usage in a DB2 10 environment will depend largely on the number of threads that are concurrently active in the system. I'll point out here that you need to rebind packages in a DB2 10 environment to get this thread-related virtual storage constraint relief. When you do that, space used for package tables (aka PTs -- the sections of packages copied out of the skeleton package table for each package executed by a particular thread) is moved not only above the bar, but out of the EDM pool (the skeleton package table remains in the EDM pool). Thus is delivered the added benefit of eliminating contention caused by the serialization of updates to EDM pool control blocks used in the execution of packages allocated to threads (this contention in previous DB2 releases was associated with latch class 24).

There you have it. Yes, DB2 10 requires (as does DB2 9) 128 GB of HVSHARE space, so that the shared memory object used by DB2 address spaces can be created when DB2 starts up. No, you don't need to get worked up about this, because 1) the amount of shared private storage used by DB2 is going to be WAY less than 128 GB, and 2) a z/OS LPAR, by default, will have 510 terabytes of HVSHARE space. There are plenty of things in life you can worry about. This shouldn't be one of them.


  1. Robert,
    In addition to the HVSHARE requirement, DB2 10 also requires at least 6GB of contiguous 64-bit common storage (HVCOMMON) for each version 10 subsystem that runs on a z/OS LPAR.

    The default value for HVCOMMON is 66 GB. We encountered a startup failure when upgrading the 11th subsystem on one of our LPARs with reason code 00E8005A and message DSNY011I DSNYASCP -xxxx z/OS DOES NOT HAVE SUFFICIENT 64-BIT SHARED AND COMMON STORAGE AVAILABLE

    1. Thanks very much for passing this along, Jeff - it's important information for organizations that have more than a few DB2 subsystems running on one z/OS LPAR.

  2. During a migration from one LPAR to an other one we received the same abend during starting more then 10 Subsystems.

    1. Yes, that is the situation in which the HVCOMMON requirement per DB2 subsystem in the LPAR can cause a problem if the LPAR's HVCOMMON value has not been increased from its default setting.



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