Friday, April 28, 2023

Migrating to Db2 13 for z/OS When You Have Old (pre-11.1) Db2 Client Code on Your App Servers

Not long ago, I had a talk with a Db2 for z/OS systems programmer who works at a pretty big site. In a somewhat dramatized form, our conversation went something like this:

Me: "When are you guys going to migrate your production Db2 for z/OS systems to Db2 13?"

Db2 sysprog: "Later than I'd like."

Me: "Why's that?"

Db2 sysprog: "We have some old Db2 client code on some of our application servers."

Me: "So?"

Db2 sysprog: "So, I can't take APPLCOMPAT for our NULLID packages above V12R1M500."

Me: "No prob. Just leave the APPLCOMPAT value for the NULLID packages at V12R1M500, and go ahead and activate function level V12R1M510, and then migrate the systems to Db2 13."

Db2 sysprog: "I can do that?"

Me: "YES."

The very next week, I had a very similar exchange with another Db2 for z/OS administrator at a different site. It seems clear to me that there's some misunderstanding in this area out there, with people thinking that way-old Db2 client code represents a roadblock on the way from Db2 12 for z/OS to Db2 13. NOT TRUE, as I hope to make clear in this blog entry.

Terminology: "Db2 client code"

This term refers to the piece of IBM code that runs on a remote (from the Db2 for z/OS perspective) server that enables an application on that server to be a DRDA requester (DRDA is short for distributed relational database architecture - the protocol used for Db2 distributed database processing). A DRDA requester application is one that sends SQL statements to Db2 by way of a driver such as IBM's JDBC or ODBC driver. Most often, the Db2 client code is the IBM Data Server Driver Package (for which entitlement is related to an organization's license for IBM Db2 Connect). Sometimes, it's something like the IBM Db2 Connect Runtime Client. In any case, the Db2 client code is considered to be part of the Db2 for Linux/UNIX/Windows (LUW) product family, and it will have a version that corresponds to a Db2 for LUW version.

What is "old Db2 client code" in this context?

Short answer: any version prior to 11.1. Now, to explain that short answer: some would say (understandably) that "old code" means out-of-support code. The 11.1 version of Db2 client code is out of support (and has been since April of 2022 - see Why, then, do I refer to pre-11.1 Db2 client code as being "old," implying that 11.1 Db2 client code, though out of support, is not "old?" It all has to do with context, and the context in this case is a Db2 12 for z/OS system that is the DRDA server for DRDA requester applications.

APPLCOMPAT is a Db2 for z/OS package bind parameter that specifies the Db2 application compatibility level that will be in effect when the package is executed (for more information about APPLCOMPAT, see the part 1 and part 2 blog entries I posted on that topic a few years ago). With the possibility of a few exceptions, every Db2 for z/OS package will have an APPLCOMPAT value, and that is true for the packages in the package collection called NULLID. NULLID is the "home" collection for the Db2 for z/OS packages that are executed when a DRDA requester application accesses the Db2 for z/OS system.

Here's the crux of the matter at hand: if the APPLCOMPAT value for the NULLID packages is taken above V12R1M500, DRDA requester applications will get an error when trying to connect to the Db2 for z/OS system if they are using pre-11.1 Db2 client code.

Why the preceding sentence does not amount to a Db2 13 migration roadblock

Before you can migrate to Db2 13 for z/OS from Db2 12, you have to activate Db2 12 function level V12R1M510 (the last of the Db2 12 function levels). What the Db2 for z/OS systems programmer I referenced at the beginning of this blog entry thought, and what apparently a number of other Db2 for z/OS people think, is that the APPLCOMPAT value for the NULLID packages (and maybe for other Db2 for z/OS packages, as well) has to be V12R1M510 before you can migrate a Db2 12 system to Db2 13. THAT IS NOT TRUE. Can you have, in a Db2 13 system, packages in the NULLID collection (and in other collections) that have an APPLCOMPAT value of V12R1M500? YES, YOU CAN. In fact, APPLCOMPAT values as low as V10R1 are supported in a Db2 13 environment. So, if your NULLID packages are at APPLCOMPAT(V12R1M500), and old (as defined above) Db2 client code is keeping you from upping that APPLCOMPAT value for your NULLID packages, leave the NULLID packages at APPLCOMPAT(V12R1M500), and activate function level V12R1M510 (when your Db2 code and catalog are at the right level), and then migrate the Db2 12 system to Db2 13. There is NOTHING about having NULLID packages at APPLCOMPAT(V12R1M500) that gets in the way of your doing this.

But what if you really want to take APPLCOMPAT for your NULLID packages to a higher level?

First, why might you want to do this? Best answer, I'd say: because you want developers of DRDA applications in your environment to be able to use the latest Db2 for z/OS SQL syntax and functionality (one particularly noteworthy example: the new built-in AI functions of Db2 13 for z/OS, part of that version's SQL Data Insights feature, which can be used via packages with an APPLCOMPAT value of V13R1M500 or higher). If there's pre-11.1 Db2 client code on some of your application servers, and you really want to take APPLCOMPAT higher than V12R1M500 for your NULLID packages (I would), you have a couple of options:

  • One option: update your Db2 client code. This would be for many people the ideal approach. Get the Db2 client code to the current level, which is 11.5, and you get two benefits: 1) you're actually using Db2 client code that is supported by IBM (always nice), and 2) you can take APPLCOMPAT for your Db2 for z/OS NULLID packages as high as you want. Of course, updating the Db2 client code will likely require working in concert with application server administrators in your organization that can perform the code update.
  • Another option: leave the old Db2 client code out there, and raise the APPLCOMPAT value for your NULLID packages anyway. This might be the required approach, at least in the near term, if your application server administrators are not presently able to help update old versions of Db2 client code within your IT infrastructure. How can you do this without causing connection errors for DRDA requester applications that are using old Db2 client code? You do that with the Db2 profile tables, together with an "alternate" collection for the IBM Data Server Driver / Db2 Connect packages, as explained below.

Creating (and, more importantly, using) an alternate collection for the IBM Data Server Driver / Db2 Connect packages

Step 1 for this approach is to create the alternate collection for the packages whose "home" collection is NULLID. This is pretty easy to do: just BIND COPY the packages in the NULLID collection into a collection with some other name (I'll go with OLD_COLL for this example), and in doing that specify APPLCOMPAT(V12R1M500). DRDA requester applications using pre-11.1 Db2 client code will not get connection errors when they use the packages in that OLD_COLL collection. Ah, but how do you get those applications to use the OLD_COLL collection when they will, by default, be looking to use packages in the NULLID collection (NULLID is the default Db2 for z/OS package collection for DRDA requester applications)? This is where the Db2 profile tables come in.

You can use SYSIBM.DSN_PROFILE_TABLE to identify a component of your DDF workload for which you want Db2 to take some action. The component of the DDF workload of interest here is the DRDA requester applications that are using pre-11.1 Db2 client code. How can you identify that DDF workload component as a profile? Easy: use the PRDID (short for product identifier) column of DSN_PROFILE_TABLE (see How do you know which product ID(s) to use? You can get that information via output of the Db2 command -DISPLAY LOCATION (see In the PRDID column of the command output, you'll see the product IDs associated with requesters, and there you'll see the version and release of the Db2 client code that a requester is using (see Using the PRDID information provided via -DISPLAY LOCATION, insert a row (or rows) in DSN_PROFILE_TABLE for the pre-11.1 Db2 client code that is used in your environment. Having done that, for that row (or rows) in DSN_PROFILE_TABLE, insert a corresponding row (or rows) in SYSIBM.DSN_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTES to tell Db2 what you want it to do when one of the DRDA requesters using pre-11.1 Db2 client code requests a connection to the Db2 for z/OS system. And what do you want Db2 to do? You want Db2 to issue SET CURRENT PACKAGE PATH = OLD_COLL (using my example name for the collection into which you BIND COPY-ed the NULLID packages with a specification of APPLCOMPAT(V12R1M500)). This will make OLD_COLL the default collection for the DRDA requester applications using pre-11.1 Db2 client code. Having done this, you can take APPLCOMPT for the NULLID packages higher than V12R1M500, to the benefit of DRDA requester applications that are using 11.1-or-higher versions of the Db2 client code (note that the SET CURRENT PACKAGE PATH = OLD_COLL will happen at application connection time, so after doing the BIND COPY and profile table work you may need to have someone recycle the application servers on which old Db2 client code is running, so they'll get new connections to the Db2 for z/OS system and will be pointed to the OLD_COLL package collection). There is additional information on this approach in an entry I posted to this blog a few years ago (that entry concerns an alternate collection of IBM Data Server Driver / Db2 Connect packages used to get high-performance DBAT functionality, but the collection redirection technique is the same).

And there you have it. I hope you don't have old Db2 client code on your application servers, but if you do, don't worry about that being an impediment to getting to Db2 13, because it isn't.


  1. Hi Robert, another amazing blog as always, thank you for this.

    Since last couple of days I am scratching my head about where to find an official documentation which says, ok if you want to make use SQL features under function level V12R1M501 then you must have db2 driver v11.1 fix pack 4.

    How do I know which driver will support what minimum and maximum function level on db2 zos ?
    I tried to look up a lot on internet but no straight answer, hoping you could help me.

    1. Refer to this page in the Db2 for z/OS online documentation: On that page, in the first bullet item under the heading, "Before you begin," you will see the following: "If your applications include function that requires a minimum application compatibility level of V12R1M501, you need to upgrade to Db2 Connect Version 11.1 Modification 2 Fix Pack 2 or later."


    2. Thank you Robert, this really helps.
      I think now I have a clear understanding.

      To use Db2 12 or even 13, I must have Data Server Package 11.1 Fix Pack 2.
      I can even use SQL features under V13R1M505 using the same 11.1 FP2 driver correct ? provided I have the right APPLCOMPAT for driver packages.

      Till now I was confused that with every new release of db2 data server driver, it actually enables it to use new function levels on db2 zos, but they are just some product fixes I believe.

      I hope I am right.

    3. Once you get beyond Db2 12 function level 500, new features and functions of Db2 for z/OS generally do NOT require new levels of Db2 client code (e.g., new levels of the IBM Data Server Driver). There are a few exceptions. For example, utilization of the new RQSTWLB option of the -MODIFY DDF command (a Db2 13 FL502 enhancement) requires that the level of Db2 client code be at least 11.5.

      I need to clarify something for you. You state the following: "To use Db2 12 or even 13, I must have Data Server Package 11.1 Fix Pack 2." That is an incorrect statement. You can use a pre-11.1 level of the Db2 client code with Db2 12 or Db2 13, as long as the IBM Data Server Driver packages used by the client application when it connects to the Db2 system have an APPLCOMPAT value that is not greater than V12R1M500. For a DRDA requester application to use SQL syntax and functionality provided after Db2 12 FL500, the IBM Data Server Driver packages utilized will have to be bound with the appropriate APPLCOMPAT value, and when value is above V12R1M500 then the level of Db2 client code used by the application will have to be 11.1 or higher.

      Keep in mind that any Db2 client prior to 11.5 is out of support.



  2. Perfect, I am crystal clear now, thank you very much Robert for taking out time and responding so soon and with all details.


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