Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Db2 13 for z/OS: Now You Can Dynamically Remove, as Well as Add, Active Log Data Sets

Db2 10 for z/OS (which came out back in 2010) provided a new capability related to management of a Db2 subsystem's active log data sets (known, along with the archive log data sets, as the subsystem's "log inventory"). The enhancement: the NEWLOG option of the Db2 command -SET LOG. With this added functionality, a Db2 for z/OS system administrator could add new active log data sets to a Db2 subsystem's log inventory, without having to bring the subsystem down (the system administrator would probably, in fact, add new pairs of active log data sets, as you always want to use dual logging to avoid a single point of failure for system and data recovery operations). Prior to this Db2 10 enhancement, adding active log data sets to a subsystem's log inventory could only be accomplished through execution of the DSNJU003 utility (also referred to as the "change log inventory" utility), and DSNJU003 can only be executed when the target Db2 subsystem is down.

The ability to dynamically add pairs of active log data sets to a Db2 subsystem's log inventory was welcomed by many Db2 people, and you can probably imagine why. A Db2 subsystem's active log data sets can be thought of, logically, as a ring of data sets around the Db2 subsystem. Suppose there are 20 pairs of active log data sets in this logical ring. Db2 writes information to pair #1, and when that pair of data sets is filled up then information is written to pair #2, and when that pair is filled up then information is written to pair #3, and so on around the ring. Meanwhile, not long after the filling up of active log data set pair #1, the information written to that pair of data sets will be copied to a pair of archive log data sets, and that action will make active log data set pair #1 reusable, so that new information can be written to that pair of data sets when Db2 comes back around the ring to them. The same archive operation is performed for other active log data set pairs after they have been filled up, making them reusable when their turn in the rotation comes up again to be the current active log data set pair.

All well and good - unless something goes wrong with the archive log write process. If filled-up active log data set pairs can't be archived, they can't be made reusable, and when Db2 has gone around the ring and comes back to the not-reusable active log data set pairs, logging will stop, and when logging stops just about everything stops. In a pre-Db2 10 environment, you could add active log data set pairs to a subsystem's log inventory to buy more time (by providing more space for logging) as you worked to fix whatever was impeding the log archiving process, but at the cost of stopping the Db2 subsystem in order to execute the DSNJU003 utility. Not good. Being able to buy extra fix-the-archiving-problem time by dynamically adding new pairs of active log data sets to a Db2 subsystem's log inventory, while the subsystem was still up and running, made for a much better situation.

Fast-forward to Db2 13 for z/OS, and now we get (once function level V13R1M500 has been activated) the ability to dynamically remove active log data set pairs, thanks to the new REMOVELOG option of the -SET LOG command. The value of dynamic (i.e., while the Db2 subsystem is up and running) removal of active log data set pairs is as a complement to the dynamic-add functionality we've had since Db2 10. Together, the NEWLOG and REMOVELOG options of the -SET LOG command provide a capability that can be very useful - namely, online replacement of a Db2 subsystem's active log data set pairs with better data set pairs.

"Better?" How so? Well, usually this will mean bigger and/or encrypted. Let's take the data set size case. Suppose you have a production Db2 subsystem that has 20 pairs of active log data sets, each data set being 2 GB in size. You're going through those active log data sets faster than you'd like - maybe filling up three or four (or more) pairs in an hour when the system is busy. You'd rather have active log data sets that are 8 GB apiece, versus 2 GB (Db2 12 for z/OS took the maximum size of an active log data set from 4 GB to 768 GB). Can you go from 2 GB active log data sets to 8 GB active log data sets without stopping the Db2 subsystem? With Db2 13, you can. Here's how that would work:

  1. You dynamically add 20 pairs of active log data sets that are sized at 8 GB apiece, using the NEWLOG option of the -SET LOG command (a Db2 subsystem can have up to 93 pairs of active log data sets).
  2. After the older and smaller active log data sets have been archived, dynamically remove them from the Db2 subsystem's log inventory via the new (with Db2 13) REMOVELOG option of the -SET LOG command.
Now you have 20 pairs of active log data sets, each sized at 8 GB, when before you had 20 pairs of active log data sets sized at 2 GB apiece, and in getting from A to B you never had to stop the Db2 subsystem.

The same approach could be used to go from 20 pairs (for example) of unencrypted active log data sets to 20 pairs of encrypted active log data sets in an online way (referring here to exploitation of the data set encryption feature of z/OS):

  1. Dynamically add 20 pairs of active log data sets with which an encryption key label was associated at data set creation time.
  2. When the older unencrypted data sets have been archived, dynamically remove them from the Db2 subsystem's log inventory.
In these example use cases, I've utilized the phrase, "when the older (smaller and/or unencrypted) actice log data sets have been archived, dynamically remove them." That suggests that trying to dynamically remove a not-yet-archived active log data set could be problematic. Do you need to worry about this? No. Why not? Because Db2 won't let you accidentally shoot yourself in the foot when using the REMOVELOG option of -SET LOG. Specifically:

  • Db2 won't let you remove an active log data set to which it is currently writing information.
  • Db2 won't let you remove a log data set in the pair that is next in line for the writing of log information.
  • Db2 won't let you remove an active log data set that has not been archived (i.e., an active log data set that is not in REUSABLE status).
  • Db2 won't let you remove an active log data set that is currently in use (for example, an active log data set that is being read by a RECOVER utility job).
If you try to dynamically remove an active log data set to which Db2 is currently writing, or one that is next in line for writing, or one that has not been archived (i.e., is not in the REUSABLE state), the -SET LOG command will fail with the message DSNJ391I. If the active log data set you're trying to dynamically remove does not have one of these characteristics but is currently in use by some process, that data set will be marked as REMOVAL PENDING, and message DSNJ393I will be issued. In that case, you can remove the data set from the log inventory by issuing -SET LOG with REMOVELOG again when the data set is no longer in use. Alternatively, if the Db2 subsystem is standalone in nature (as opposed to being a member of a Db2 data sharing group), the data set will be removed from the log inventory automatically when the subsystem is next recycled (in a data sharing environment, subsequent re-issuance of -SET LOG with the REMOVELOG option is required to remove a REMOVAL PENDING data set from the log inventory). Note that if an active log data set has been marked as REMOVAL PENDING, it will not be used again by Db2 for read or write purposes. Note also that information about an active log data set that is in REMOVAL PENDING status can be checked via the output of the Db2 command -DISPLAY LOG DETAIL (the DETAIL option was added with function level 500 of Db2 13). When you see, in the output of -DISPLAY LOG DETAIL, that an active log data set in REMOVAL PENDING status has 0 readers, you know that it is no longer in use and can be physically removed from the log inventory with another issuance of -SET LOG with REMOVELOG.

One more thing: I have been referring to removal of an active log data set "from the log inventory" of a Db2 subsystem. In the Db2 documentation, you'll see references to removal of an active log data set "from the BSDS" of a Db2 subsystem. The documentation is saying the same thing I'm saying. The BSDS - short for bootstrap data set - contains information about a Db2 subsystem's active and archive log data sets.

OK, there you have it. If you want to upgrade your active log data sets in one or more ways - maybe bigger than they are now, maybe encrypted versus unencrypted - then the REMOVELOG option of -SET LOG (thanks, Db2 13), together with the NEWLOG option (thanks, Db2 10) is your ticket for getting that done without having to stop the Db2 subsystem in question. Just another way that Db2 for z/OS enables you to take high availability higher than ever before.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Robert, that’s a great option for us.


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