Monday, April 29, 2024

Db2 13 for z/OS: Utility Execution History

 A few months ago, I got this question from a Db2 for z/OS DBA: "Is there a way we can check to see if the UNLOAD utility has been executed for certain of our tables?" The environment in question was a Db2 12 for z/OS system, and because of that I had to provide an answer that was less-than-great from an ease-of-use persepective: "Yes, you can do that in a Db2 12 environment, but the process is going to be a bit cumbersome. You could set up a Db2 audit policy that would record utility execution. What that will do is cause Db2 to write certain trace records when utilities are executed. You'd need to use your Db2 monitor to format that trace information into a human-readable report (using IBM's OMEGAMON monitor for Db2 for z/OS, that would be by way of a Record Trace report); and, you'd have trace records written for EVERY utility execution during the reporting time interval - potentially, a lot of data to sift through; and, there would be trace records generated for every utility executed for ANY database object - not just the tables in which you're interested (more data to sift through)."

"Alternatively, you could set up a different audit policy that would limit trace output to the tables of interest, but that policy would cause Db2 to generate trace records for ALL operations performed involving that set of tables, whether associated with a utility or with an application process - again, potentially a lot of trace data to sift through."

Not the idea situation, but along comes Db2 13 for z/OS to make things better - in two steps.

Step 1: Once you've activated function level V13R1M501, you can take advantage of a new ZPARM parameter, UTILITY_HISTORY. The default value for that parameter is NONE - not because we (IBM) want to discourage you from using a new Db2 capability; rather, this is in keeping with the traditional approach for a new ZPARM: the initial default value preserves existing behavior. "Existing behavior" in this case is "no utility history," because utility history functionality was not available prior to Db2 13 function level 501. If you set UTILITY_HISTORY to UTILITY, something nice happens: every time a utility executes, Db2 will insert a row into the SYSIBM.SYSUTILITIES table (newly added when CATMAINT is executed to take the catalog to the V13R1M501 level). That row for a utility in SYSUTILITIES provides a lot of useful information, such as:

  • The name of the utility (e.g., UNLOAD, or COPY, or REORG, or ...)
  • The name of the job through which the utility was executed
  • The user ID that invoked the utility
  • The starting point of the utility, both timestamp-wise and logpoint-wise
  • The timestamp at which the utility completed processing
  • The elapsed time for the utility job
  • The general-purpose CPU time and zIIP CPU time for the utility job
  • The portion of CPU time (both general-purpose and zIIP) consumed with sort activity related to the utility job
  • The utility job's return code
  • Whether the utility job was terminated (and, if so, whether it was restarted)
Step 2: After you've activated function level V13R1M504, you can change the value of UTILITY_HISTORY in ZPARM to OBJECT. When you do that, execution of a utility will cause Db2 to insert into SYSUTILITIES a row with the useful informational items noted above, and in addition to that Db2 will insert into SYSIBM.SYSOBJEVENTS a row for each object (non-partitioned table space or index, or a partition of a table space or index) processed by the utility (SYSOBJEVENTS makes its debut when the catalog is taken to the V13R1M504 level).

[Note: prior to activation of function level V13R1M504, there is some capability to obtain information about the object(s) processed by a utility by matching SYSUTILITIES rows with SYSCOPY rows based on values in the EVENTID column which is found in both tables. I say, "some capability," because not every utility drives SYSCOPY insert activity - that's what makes SYSOBJEVENTS important.]

Back to the question, referenced at the start of this blog entry, about tracking UNLOAD activity for certain tables. In a Db2 13 environment with function level V13R1M504 (or higher) activated, and with UTILITIES_HISTORY set to OBJECT in ZPARM, this question can be answered simply by querying SYSUTILITIES with a WHERE NAME = 'UNLOAD' predicate, and joining with SYSOBJEVENTS on the EVENTID column to get the related table space names (and of course if you are wanting to track UNLOAD activity for particular tables you can have a WHERE clause for the SYSOBJEVENTS table that references the name of the table space or table spaces of interest).

[I recognize that UNLOAD can be executed at a table level, and that a table space could have multiple tables, but I'd hope that your sensitive-data tables are in single-table table spaces because 1) it's best to have tables in universal table spaces, and a universal table space is related to a single table; and 2) I think that data protection can be maximized when a sensitive-data table is isolated in its own table space.]

Needless to say, tracking UNLOAD activity is just one of many ways in which Db2 13 utility history data can be beneficially utilized. In section 8.1.7 of the IBM "redbook" titled, IBM Db2 13 for z/OS and More, you'll find examples of queries of SYSUTILITIES that can be used to gather all kinds of helpful information, such as:
  • All the utilities that executed between midnight and 8:00 AM this morning
  • All the utilities that are currently active or stopped
  • All the utilities that finished with a return code of 8 or higher
  • The top general-purpose CPU-consuming LOAD jobs over the past 7 days
  • And more...
Those sample queries can help you get started, and soon you and your teammates will come up with your own queries that yield valuable info on utility execution at your site (and keep in mind that the queries in the above-referenced redbook don't include SYSOBJEVENTS because that catalog table was not yet present when the redbook was written - you can of course extend the queries with joins to SYSOBJEVENTS).

This is a Db2 13 enhancement that I like a lot. I think you'll like it, too. Check it out.


  1. Hi Robert. As a DBA, I have been interested in Utility History as a useful tool for some time, and have been waiting for something like this. I've just advised my DBEs that I would like us to get there there (FL501/504) as soon as it's practical. However, I have one question about this feature.
    We have a daily job that runs an incremental copy on several older tables (becoming obsolete), and I noted that those daily utility runs don't show up in SYSCOPY because there are no changed pages. My question is, will these utility runs show up in SYSUTILITIES? Or will they be excluded for the same reason as they are in SYSCOPY?
    Thanks much. Been following your writing for quite a long time.

  2. There should be a row for such a utility execution in the SYSUTILITIES catalog table (if you have activated function level V13R1M501 or higher and have set the value of the UTILITY_HISTORY parameter in ZPARM to UTILITY). If you have activated function level V13R1M504 or higher and have set UTILITY_HISTORY to OBJECT, you should also get a row in the SYSOBJEVENTS catalog table for the object that was the target of the COPY job (see the Db2 for z/OS documentation page at


  3. Hi Robert

    The tables are useful but missing useful stuff like the full text of the utility statements and Db2 commands. I believe these are on the way. You also have to develop a way to cull these tables as there are a lot of rows. Another thing to get around is that REORG mapping tables turn up in SYSOBJEVENTS which causes clutter.

    The queries in the Redbook I found underwhelming so here's some I've spun up:

    See what objects are being REORG'd :
    -- oe.dbname as dbname
    -- ,oe.spacename
    -- ,oe.objtype,
    coalesce(tb.creator,ix.tbcreator) as tbcreator
    ,coalesce(,ix.tbname) as tbname
    ,count(*) as reorgrows
    ,count(distinct(date(STARTTS))) as days_run
    ,min(date(startts)) as min_start_date
    ,max(date(endts)) as max_end_date
    ,cast(max(ut.ELAPSEDTIME)/cast(60*1000000 as float) as decimal(21,2))
    as max_ut_elapsed_minutes
    ,sum(ut.CPUTIME) as CPUTIME
    ,sum(ut.ZIIPTIME) as ZIIPTIME
    sysibm.sysutilities ut
    inner join
    sysibm.sysobjevents oe
    on ut.eventid=oe.eventid
    left outer join
    sysibm.sysindexes ix
    on ix.dbname=oe.dbname
    and ix.indexspace=oe.spacename
    left outer join
    sysibm.systables tb
    on tb.dbname=oe.dbname
    and tb.tsname=oe.spacename
    and oe.dbname is not null
    group by
    -- oe.dbname
    -- ,oe.spacename
    -- ,oe.objtype,
    order by sum(ut.CPUTIME) desc

  4. How often are we REORGing?

    sysibm.sysutilities ut
    inner join
    sysibm.sysobjevents oe
    on ut.eventid=oe.eventid
    left outer join
    sysibm.sysindexes ix
    on ix.dbname=oe.dbname
    and ix.indexspace=oe.spacename
    left outer join
    sysibm.systables tb
    on tb.dbname=oe.dbname
    and tb.tsname=oe.spacename
    and oe.dbname is not null
    group by

  5. REORG for a particular tablespace:
    ,oe.DBNAME -- VARCHAR(24)
    ,oe.SPACENAME -- VARCHAR(24)
    ,oe.OBJTYPE -- CHAR(1)
    ,coalesce(tb.creator,ix.tbcreator) as tbcreator
    ,coalesce(,ix.tbname) as tbname
    ,oe.COUNT -- BIGINT
    ,cast(ut.ELAPSEDTIME/cast(60*1000000 as float) as decimal(21,2))
    as UT_elap_min
    -- ,oe.INSERTEDBY -- VARCHAR(9)
    ,oe.EVENTTS as obj_ts -- TIMESTAMP(6)
    --,ut.EVENTID -- BIGINT
    --,ut.INSERTEDBY -- VARCHAR(9)
    --,ut.CONDITION -- CHAR(1)
    --,ut.RESTART -- CHAR(1)
    ,ut.LISTNAME -- VARCHAR(18)
    --,ut.STARTLOGPOINT -- CHAR(10)
    --,ut.GROUP_MEMBER -- VARCHAR(24)
    --,ut.SORTNAME -- VARCHAR(24)
    sysibm.sysutilities ut
    inner join
    sysibm.sysobjevents oe
    on ut.eventid=oe.eventid
    left outer join
    sysibm.sysindexes ix
    on ix.dbname=oe.dbname
    and ix.indexspace=oe.spacename
    left outer join
    sysibm.systables tb
    on tb.dbname=oe.dbname
    and tb.tsname=oe.spacename
    --nd oe.dbname is not null
    oe.dbname ='DSN06555'
    and oe.spacename ='F1CRRFTG'
    and startts > current timestamp - 3 day
    order by startts desc

    1. Thanks very much for sharing these queries, Frank. You might want to consider developing a presentation that would include these and perhaps other queries on the utility history tables, along with your own experiences and suggestions related to using those tables, and submitting that presentation as a proposed session for an IDUG conference. I think a session of that nature would be helpful to a lot of Db2 for z/OS people.


    2. There are also some features in Db2 Administration Tool that allow to nicely observe the utility history

    3. Thanks for that information, Viacheslav!


  6. I would normally but have to check my employer's "communication policies". For instance, my previous employer had policies that effectively excluded me from writing an presentation Encryption at Rest. So I'll work through that.

    I would draw your attention to these two ideas I raised a while ago:


    1. Thanks for submitting the enhancement ideas, Frank. That is very important input to the product development planning process - the "voice of the customer" carries a lot of weight with regard to resource allocation for product enhancements.


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hello Robert,
    Great post, just one question about this, please:
    At the REORG documentation is written that if you execute a REORG ...UNLOAD ONLY, this unload will not be recorded at the SYSIBM.SYSUTIL table.
    Is there any special reason for that?
    I am just curious since I read it, because for me that makes that you can't be 100% sure about who/when/how is unloading data from a table.

    1. I think you're confusing SYSIBM.SYSUTIL (a Db2 dierectory table - see with SYSIBM.SYSUTILITIES (the catalog table that, in a Db2 13 environment with function level V13R1M501 or higher activated, can hold utility execution history information - see A REORG UNLOAD ONLY will cause a row to be inserted into SYSIBM.SYSUTILITIES if the ZPARM parameter UTILITY_HISTORY is set to UTILITY (or if that ZPARM parameter is set to OBJECT, when the activated function level of the system is V13R1M504 or higher).


    2. Hello Robert,
      Omg, yes, you are correct, I was totally mixing the two tables.
      Since the very first time I read it, I don't know why but it was inmediately associated in my mind to the new SYSUTILITIES, not to the Directory one. And since then, no matter how many times I read it, I always had this misunderstanding.

      Now it all makes sense :-)

      I am so sorry, and really greatful for your reply,

      Thank you very much!!!

    3. No prob. Totally understandable.



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