- It tends to improve the CPU efficiency of package execution. Obviously, you could see performance gains related to positive access path changes, as the optimizer gets smarter with each new release of DB2; however, even if access paths associated with a package don't change, CPU consumption reduction is quite likely to be achieved through a DB2 10 rebind. Why? Because the package code so generated -- including the compiled, executable form of static SQL statements -- is more CPU-efficient than the pre-DB2 10 version of same.
- It causes package table virtual storage to be allocated from an agent local pool in the DB2 DBM1 address space, versus the EDM pool. The package table is the space into which a package is copied from the skeleton package table when it is executed (there will be a copy of a package in the package table for every thread to which the package is concurrently allocated). Because package table space no longer comes from the EDM pool after a package has been bound or rebound in a DB2 10 system, a latch formerly needed to serialize acquisition and release of EDM pool space for package table use is no longer needed for that purpose, and that's good for application throughput (latch reduction and elimination is a significant factor in the DB2 10 scalability story).
- It causes almost all thread-related virtual storage to go above the 2GB "bar" in DBM1.
That last item is noteworthy for two reasons: 1) it means that a DB2 10 subsystem can support a much higher number of concurrently active threads versus a DB2 8 or 9 environment, and 2) it means that with DB2 10 you have a lot more virtual storage "head room" than before to accommodate expanded use of the RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) option of BIND and REBIND PACKAGE. The rest of this blog entry is focused in the latter of these two points.
Binding a package with RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) can enhance the performance of associated applications, but you do NOT want to bind all of your packages in this manner; rather, you should be selective in looking to increase the number of RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) packages in a DB2 system. Below are some guidelines for your consideration.
First, divide you search for candidate packages (i.e., packages currently bound with RELEASE(COMMIT) that could be advantageously rebound with RELEASE(DEALLOCATE)) into two courses: batch and online.
Binding batch-executed packages with RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) can boost the performance of jobs that issue frequent commits in two ways: 1) as is the case for online transactions that reuse threads (more on this below), CPU consumption is reduced because the cost of releasing and then re-acquiring the same table space locks and package table elements at each commit is eliminated; and 2) additional CPU cycles can be saved through more effective leveraging of index lookaside (resulting in fewer GETPAGEs for index access) and sequential detection (which triggers dynamic prefetch). When RELEASE(COMMIT) is in effect, the execution efficiency benefits of index lookaside and sequential detection are diminished because the information tracked by DB2 in relation to these two performance features is reset at each commit, versus being retained across commits for packages bound with RELEASE(DEALLOCATE).
So, in reviewing your DB2-accessing batch programs, look for jobs that issue a lot of commits. If you use DB2 monitor-generated accounting reports as input to your analysis, note that information on commit frequency is available at the correlation name level (for batch applications, the job name is the DB2 correlation name -- you can request that your monitor generate accounting reports with data ordered by correlation name). One batch job might involve execution of several DB2-accessing programs and associated packages, so once you find a batch job that issues a lot of commits you might need to identify the related packages and then see if particular packages are the ones that drive a lot of commit activity (application developers might be able to help with that). Those packages, if currently bound with RELEASE(COMMIT), could potentially be rebound with RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) to good effect.
Considerations: Packages bound with RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) can get in the way of some package bind/rebind, DDL, and utility operations, so if you want to use RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) for batch packages you'll need to see when the associated jobs run (when a program with a RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) package is executed, the package will stay allocated to the batch job's thread until the job runs to completion) and make sure that you can, if needed, schedule package bind/rebind and DDL and utility operations (those that would affect RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) packages, or objects on which the RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) packages are dependent) around the batch job's scheduled run time (with DB2 11, there is relief in this area: a package's RELEASE status can be dynamically, automatically, and temporarily changed from DEALLOCATE to COMMIT to enable a bind or rebind or DDL or utility operation that would otherwise be blocked to proceed). Also, if you want to bind a batch-executed package with RELEASE(DEALLOCATE), check to see if it is executed through multiple different batch jobs versus just one -- again, you might need to schedule package bind/rebind and DDL and utility operations around the execution times of these jobs.
You'll probably want to ensure that RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) is not used for batch packages that issue LOCK TABLE statements or for batch packages that trigger lock escalation -- that could potentially lead to lock contention problems, because those exclusive table space locks would be retained until thread deallocation with RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) in effect (retention of table space-level locks for the duration of a thread is generally not an issue if the locks are of the intent variety, versus exclusive).
First, look for CICS-DB2 packages associated with frequently executed transactions. As in analyzing a DB2-accessing batch workload, you could be helped in reviewing CICS-DB2 activity by looking at DB2 monitor-generated accounting reports that exclude non-CICS work and in which data is grouped at the correlation name level (that would be, for CICS programs, the CICS transaction name). Once the most frequently executed transactions are identified, you can determine the DB2 packages related to those transactions. In addition to frequency of execution, you should also look for transactions and packages with relatively low in-DB2 times, because it is for quick in-and-out transactions that the cost of repeatedly releasing and re-acquiring table space locks and package table elements is proportionately higher (versus transactions with larger in-DB2 CPU times). Also, keep in mind that RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) for CICS-DB2 packages won't affect performance if the threads through which the packages are executed are not reused. Typically, CICS-DB2 thread re-use is driven through the specification of some protected entry threads for transactions that are frequently executed (i.e., by making PROTECTNUM greater than 0 in the CICS DB2ENTRY resources associated with these transactions).
Considerations: As previously noted, DB2 11 provides relief for the problem of getting bind/rebind and DDL and utility operations to complete successfully when RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) packages and persistent threads (such as CICS-DB2 protected entry threads) are in the picture, but in a DB2 10 environment you'll need to think about whether this could be an issue for you (there are sites at which the execution volume of some CICS-DB2 transactions is sufficient to keep protected entry threads around for days). Give some thought to the following: if you're going into a time period during which you need to accomplish some bind/rebind and/or DDL and/or utility actions, and you feel that these actions might be blocked by RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) packages executed via CICS-DB2 protected entry threads, use CICS RDO (resource definition online) to dynamically take PROTECTNUM to 0 for related DB2ENTRY resources. This could have the effect of making RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) CICS-DB2 packages behave as though bound with RELEASE(COMMIT), if it were to cause the level of CICS-DB2 thread re-use to drop to none. Do your bind/rebind and/or DDL and/or utility work, then dynamically take PROTECTNUM values back to where they had been in order to get thread re-use going again.
As with CICS-DB2 packages, frequency of execution plus relatively low in-DB2 CPU times are the key attributes for which you're searching. Candidates could be packages associated with stored procedures that are frequently executed through DDF. Also candidates are the IBM Data Server Driver and/or DB2 Connect packages, but you almost certainly DO NOT want RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) to be in effect for all applications that use these packages. To provide some control in this regard, bind the Data Server Driver and/or DB2 Connect packages into the default NULLID collection with RELEASE(COMMIT), and bind them with RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) into a collection with a different name. That way, you can make selective use of the RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) packages (and, therefore, make selective use of high-performance DBATs, which enable thread re-use for network-attached DB2-accessing applications) by pointing an application to the NULLID collection or the other collection via a data source property on the client side.
Considerations: If you need to shut down high-performance DBATs for a time to get some bind/rebind, DDL, or utility stuff done, do that by issuing the DB2 command -MODIFY DDF PKGREL(COMMIT). Then, when you're ready to re-enable high-performance DBATs, do so by issuing -MODIFY DDF PKGREL(BNDOPT).
Also, note that use of high-performance DBATs will decrease the number of DBATs in the DBAT pool, so you'll likely want to increase the value of MAXDBAT in ZPARM to help ensure that you continue to have a reasonable number of threads in your DBAT pool.
The bottom line
DB2 10 for z/OS gives you room, virtual storage-wise, to expand your use of the RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) package bind option. Taking this action can deliver performance dividends, but you'll want to be smart about it. Find the packages that would be best candidates for binding or rebinding with RELEASE(DEALLOCATE), and take steps to help ensure that a larger number of RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) packages won't lead to contention problems for bind/rebind, DDL, and utility operations. Oh, and measure the in-DB2 time for affected programs before and after you change packages to RELEASE(DEALLOCATE), so you'll have documented proof that the move paid off in the form of reduced in-DB2 times.