Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Db2 13 for z/OS: Autobind Phase-In

Db2 13 function level 504 became available last month (October 2023), via the fix for APAR PH54919. One of the new capabilities delivered with FL504 is something called autobind phase-in. I like that new feature a lot, and I think you will, too - especially if you're a Db2 for z/OS DBA. In this blog entry I'll explain what autobind phase-in is, why it's a very welcome addition to Db2 functionality, and how you can get ready to leverage the feature, even before you've activated function level V13R1M504.

First, a shout-out to my coworker Dengfeng Gao, a member of the IBM Db2 for z/OS development team. Dengfeng had a lot to do with making autobind phase-in a reality, and she provided me with much of the information I'm now passing along to you. Thanks, Dengfeng!

OK, to begin the story...

The way things were

Way, way back (early 1990s, as I recall), Db2 for z/OS introduced packages. For a Db2-accessing program that issues static SQL statements, you can think of the associated package as being, in essence, the compiled and executable form of the program's SQL statements (what distinguishes static SQL statements: they are prepared for execution prior to being issued by a program, via a Db2 process known as bind). When a static SQL-issuing program executes (this could be, for example, a CICS transaction, or a batch job, or a stored procedure, or a Db2 REST service), the program's package is allocated to the Db2 thread being used by the application process, and the part of the package corresponding to a particular SQL statement is executed when it's time to run that SQL statement.

SQL statements, by and large, reference Db2 tables; thus, packages are dependent on the tables referenced by SQL statements associated with the packages. Packages are also dependent on database objects that are not referenced in SQL statements (indexes are a prime example), when those objects are part of a SQL statement's access plan (i.e., the paths and mechanisms by which data targeted by a SQL statement will be accessed - for example, via a nested loop join that will employ certain indexes on the outer and inner tables). The dependencies of packages on database objects (tables, table spaces, views, indexes, etc.) are recorded in the SYSIBM.SYSPACKDEP table in the Db2 catalog.

Sometimes, a database object on which a package depends is changed in a way that requires regeneration of the package; or, an object on which the package depends (such as an index) might be dropped; or, a privilege needed by the package's owner might be revoked. In such situations, the package in question is marked as "invalid" by Db2 (such a package will have a value of 'N' in the VALID column of the SYSIBM.SYSPACKAGE catalog table). When that happens (in a pre-Db2 13 FL504 environment), the package cannot be executed again until it is regenerated by Db2. That regeneration could be accomplished through a REBIND command issued for the package by a DBA (or issued from a batch job coded by a DBA); but, what if there is a request to execute an invalidated package before that package has been regenerated through a REBIND command? In that case, Db2 will automatically regenerate the package, and that process is called autobind (it's sometimes referred to as auto-rebind).

When autobind happens for a package (again, we're talking about a pre-Db2 13 FL504 environment), it can be disruptive for the application(s) that drive execution of the package. This disruption can take several forms:

  • The application process whose request for execution of an invalidated package triggered the autobind has to wait until the autobind completes.
  • If another application process also requests execution of the invalidated package before the first autobind completes, that will result in a second attempt to autobind the package. That second attempt will have to wait, because it requires a lock on the package held by the first autobind process; thus, this second requester of the package will also sit and wait (if the first autobind finishes successfully and the second requester has not timed out in the meantime, the second requester will use the package as regenerated by the initial autobind process).
  • If the autobind fails (this could happen as the result of an authorization issue, among other things), the package will be marked as "inoperative" by Db2 (indicated by the value 'N' in the OPERATIVE column of the package's row in SYSIBM.SYSPACKAGE). In that case, any attempt to execute the package will fail until the package is explicitly rebound (usually, by a DBA).

This not-good situation changes dramatically (for the better) with Db2 13 FL504 autobind phase-in functionality. Before getting to that, I'll cover some prep work in which DBAs will want to engage.

Laying the autobind phase-in groundwork: a new catalog table, and a new BIND/REBIND option

When function level 500 has been activated in a Db2 13 system, the CATMAINT utility can be executed to take the catalog level toV13R1M501. When that happens, some new tables get added to the catalog. One of those new catalog tables is SYSIBM.SYSPACKSTMTDEP. As the name implies, Db2 will use this table to record static SQL dependencies on database objects at the statement level. Does that just happen? Nope - and this is where DBA action comes in.

When function level V13R1M502 has been activated, new packages can be bound - and existing packages can be rebound - with the new DEPLEVEL option. If you bind or rebind a package with DEPLEVEL(STATEMENT) then Db2 will record statement-level dependency information in the SYSPACKSTMTDEP catalog table, in addition to recording package-level dependency information in SYSPACKDEP (if you bind or rebind with a specification of DEPLEVEL(PACKAGE), it'll be business as usual - only package-level dependency information will be recorded in the catalog).

Would you like to make DEPLEVEL(STATEMENT) the default for package BIND and REBIND actions? If so, set the value of the ZPARM parameter PACKAGE_DEPENDENCY_LEVEL to STATEMENT.

Is there any downside to binding or rebinding packages with DEPLEVEL(STATEMENT)? A small one (in my opinion): because of the extra work of recording statement-level dependency information in SYSPACKSTMTDEP, binding or rebinding with DEPLEVEL(STATEMENT) will somewhat increase elapsed and CPU time for the bind/rebind operation. My expectation is that in a typical production Db2 for z/OS system, CPU consumption related to BIND and REBIND activity is a very small fraction of total CPU consumption.

Is there an upside to binding and rebinding packages with DEPLEVEL(STATEMENT)? Oh, yeah...

Enter autobind phase-in

Once a Db2 13 system's activated function level. is V13R1M504 or higher, this is what happens when a package that has been bound or rebound with DEPLEVEL(STATEMENT) is invalidated: the first request to execute the package following invalidation (assuming the invalidated package wasn't explicitly rebound before that execution request) will trigger an autobind of the package.

"Wait," you might think. "Isn't that the same thing that happened before the advent of autobind phase-in?" Yes, but the autobind itself takes a very different path, and has a very different workload impact, versus the prior process. To wit:

  • The package will be regenerated in the background. The process that requested execution of the invalidated package will be allowed to execute the package - it will not have to wait for the autobind to complete.
  • When the invalidated package is executed, statements that were not invalidated by the action that invalidated the package (e.g., an ALTER of a table that is referenced by some - but not all - of the package's statements) will continue to execute as they did before the invalidation of the package.
  • Also when the invalidated package is executed, statements that were invalidated by the (for example) ALTER action will be incrementally bound when issued by the associated program. This means that they will be dynamically prepared for execution, and that will mean a temporary additional CPU cost (temporary until the in-the-background autobind completes the regeneration of the package that had been invalidated), but the statements will be executed.
  • And if, before the in-the-background autobind completes, there is a second request to execute the invalidated package, will that trigger a second autobind action? Nope - the one autobind is for any and all package requesters. That second requester will be allowed to execute the invalidated package, just as was the case for the requester that triggered the in-the-background autobind - still-valid statements will execute as usual, and invalidated statements will be incrementally bound and then executed.
  • When the in-the-background autobind has finished its work, the newly regenerated package will be phased into use, in much the same way that the rebind phase-in functionality introduced with Db2 12 FL505 phases a newly rebound package into use: the first request for execution of the package following completion of the in-the-background autobind will get the regenerated (and now valid) package. Eventually, processes that had been executing the previous instance of the package (the instance that had been invalidated) will be done with that, and all processes will be using the regenerated package when they request its execution.
  • If the in-the-background autobind fails, will the invalidated package be marked inoperative (with attendant error situations for processes that request execution of the package)? Nope. In that case, the package will be marked with rebind-advisory status ('R' in the OPERATIVE column for the package's row in SYSPACKAGE). The package can still be executed (as described above: as-usual for not-invalidated statements, incremental bind for invalidated statements), but an explicit REBIND is recommended to get the package regenerated and back into a valid status.

Bottom line: with autobind phase-in, autobind activity will have hugely less impact on throughput and service levels for applications that execute packages that have been invalidated.

Note that the above-described much-better autobind process applies only to packages that have been bound or rebound with DEPLEVEL(STATEMENT) - and you can start doing that (as previously mentioned) once you've activated function level 502 in a Db2 13 system.

One other item of information: the in-the-background autobind done for autobind phase-in will execute in access-path-reuse mode - in other words, Db2 will reuse the access paths previously utilized for the package's SQL statements, if that can be done (it of course could not be done for all statements if, for example, package invalidation resulted from the dropping of an index on which some of the package's SQL statements depended). The same goes for the incremental bind of invalidated SQL statements when the invalidated package is requested for execution before the in-the-background autobind has completed - access paths will be reused if possible.

OK, so if you've gotten to Db2 13 at your site, give major consideration to rebinding packages (and binding new packages) with DEPLEVEL(STATEMENT), once function level V13R1M502 or higher has been activated; and, look forward to a much more application workload-friendly autobind process when you get function level V13R1M504 activated.

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