Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Db2 for z/OS: Code Level, Catalog Level, Function Level, and More

In a Db2 for z/OS context, the terms "code level," "catalog level," and "function level" were introduced when the Db2 for z/OS development team went to the continuous delivery mechanism for delivering new product functionality in-between the availability dates of new versions of the DBMS. That was a little over 7 years ago, referring to the general availability of Db2 12 - the first continuous-delivery version of Db2 for z/OS. And yet, there remains a good bit of misunderstanding among some in the Db2 for z/OS user community regarding basic concepts that are of foundational importance in a continuous-delivery sense. That being the case, I'll try to shed some clarifying light on the subject via this blog entry.

Think about an upside-down hierarchy

By "upside-down" hierarchy, I mean one that goes bottom-up from a dependency perspective. At the bottom - the foundation - you have the Db2 system's code level. This has to do largely with the currency of the code in the Db2 system's load library (or libraries, if this is a Db2 data sharing group - it's a best practice in that case for each member subsystem to have its own load library). This is the code that is loaded into memory when the Db2 system is started. You obviously don't have availability of Db2 functionality if that functionality is not present in the Db2 system's code; so, if a Db2 system's code level is 121505 (indicating code that includes functionality delivered up through Db2 version 12 function level 505), you can't create a stored procedure with CREATE OR REPLACE syntax because that syntax was introduced with Db2 12 function level (FL) 507 - by definition, a Db2 12 FL505 code level does not include functionality first delivered by Db2 12 FL507 code.

I mentioned that a Db2 for z/OS system's code level is generally reflective of the currency of the Db2 code in question. Here's what that means: over the course of time, it's normal for the code of a Db2 system (and for other subsystems in a z/OS LPAR and for the z/OS LPAR itself) to be taken to a more-current maintenance level - ideally, this will be done 2-4 times per year, and often the aim is to take the code in the z/OS LPAR (Db2 code included) to a higher RSU level (RSU - short for Recommended Service Upgrade - is a packaging of z/OS and z/OS-related software maintenance that facilitates upgrading the service currency of a z/OS system). This process involves application of PTFs ("fixes," in z/OS parlance) to code in a z/OS system, including Db2 code. Maybe, in the course of one of these service-upgrade procedures, the fix for APAR PH33727 is applied to the system's Db2 code (that which a fix "fixes" is described via the associated APAR, i.e., the APAR describes what is changed or enhanced by the fix). APAR PH33727 is the one associated with Db2 12 function level 510, and when the corresponding PTF gets applied to a Db2 system's code then that system's Db2 code level will go to 121510. Does that mean that functionality delivered through Db2 12 function level 510 is now available in the system? No - there are further dependencies in the bottom-up hierarchy.

Next Db2 level up from code: catalog

The Db2 catalog is the set of tables that basically contain metadata - "data about the data," and about the related Db2 structures (e.g., tables, table spaces, indexes) and other associated database objects (e.g., packages, routines). Sometimes, a Db2 function level introduces new Db2 features that have catalog dependencies - in other words, these are new features that cannot be used until some Db2 catalog changes that support the new features have been effected. Take, for example, Db2 12 function level 509. That function level introduced the ability to specify a data compression type at the individual table space level, or at the partition level for a range-partitioned table space (two data compression types are available in a Db2 for z/OS system - one, which is based on the Lempel-Ziv compression algorithm, is referred to as fixed-length, and the other is Huffman compression). For a Db2 DBA to be able to utilize this feature, the first requirement is the ability to specify COMPRESS YES FIXEDLENGTH or COMPRESS YES HUFFMAN in a CREATE or ALTER TABLESPACE statement. That ability is provided in the Db2 code starting with code level 121509; however, the new forms of the COMPRESS YES clause can't be used unless Db2 can record in the catalog the fact that fixed-length or Huffman compression is used for a given table space or table space partition. That cataloging capability is provided by the COMPRESS_USED column that is added to the catalog table SYSIBM.SYSTABLEPART when the Db2 catalog level goes to V12R1M509 - hence, getting the catalog level to V12R1M509 is required for compression-type specification at the table space or partition level in a Db2 12 system (by the way, "fixed length," in a Db2 data compression context, does not refer to the length of rows in a table - it refers to the length of substitution values in a compression dictionary).

When there is a requirement to take a Db2 catalog to a higher level, that change is accomplished via execution of the Db2 utility called CATMAINT, with a specification of (for example) UPDATE LEVEL(V12R1M509). Note that if a Db2 system's catalog is currently at, say, the V12R1M500 level, it can be taken straight to the V12R1M509 level with one execution of CATMAINT - that one execution of the utility would make the catalog changes associated with level 509, and also the changes associated with other catalog levels between 500 and 509.

Sometimes, a Db2 function level introduces new capabilities that do not require catalog changes. In such cases, the catalog only has to be at the level related to the last preceding function level that did require catalog changes. For example, the features of Db2 12 function level 510 have no catalog dependencies; thus, there us no 510 catalog level, and use of Db2 12 FL510 functionality can be available when the Db2 system's catalog level is V12R1M509 (the description of a function level in the Db2 for z/OS documentation always lets you know if the function level requires catalog changes).

I mentioned in the preceding sentence that Db2 12 FL510 functionality "can be" available when the Db2 system's catalog level is V12R1M509. Does that mean that something other than a catalog level change can be required to use the features of a Db2 function level? Yep - that's exactly what that means.

Next level up: activated function level

For the continuous delivery mechanism for Db2 new-function delivery to work in a practical sense, the "turning on" of a function level's new features had to be made an asynchronous event with respect to the up-leveling of Db2 code that would introduce the features to the Db2 subsystem's load library. If this were not the case - if, instead, a Db2 code level's new features were instantly available once present from a load library perspective - then Db2 for z/OS systems programmers might hesitate to upgrade the maintenance level of a Db2 system out of concern about readiness to provide support and guidance in the use of the new features. That would not be a good thing - z/OS and z/OS subsystems function best when they are at a relatively current level of maintenance.

The means through which adding new features to Db2 code is made asynchronous to having that new code be usable in a Db2 system is the Db2 command -ACTIVATE FUNCTION LEVEL; so, a Db2 system's code level might be 121509, and the system's Db2 catalog level might be V12R1M509, but the previously-mentioned ability to issue ALTER TABLESPACE (or CREATE TABLESPACE) with a COMPRESS YES HUFFMAN specification won't be there until a Db2 administrator has issued the command ACTIVATE FUNCTION LEVEL (V12R1M509). Thanks to the -ACTIVATE FUNCTION LEVEL command, a Db2-using organization can decide when they want the features introduced in a Db2 code level to be usable in their Db2 environment.

So, does the -ACTIVATE FUNCTION LEVEL command put us at the top of our upside-down Db2 continuous delivery hierarchy? Not quite. One to go...

The last level: application compatibility

In a typical production Db2 for z/OS system, there's a lot going on - lots of different applications accessing Db2 for z/OS-managed data, lots of DBA activity related to administering the system, lots of new-program deployment action, etc. In light of that fact, the -ACTIVATE FUNCTION LEVEL command is a pretty big switch. What if the immediate need that an organization has for a given Db2 function level is related to exploitation of a new feature for a single application, or for one particular database administration task? Db2 application compatibility levels provide a way to very selectively exercise functionality that has been newly activated in a Db2 system. Db2 application compatibility levels are managed primarily through a Db2 package bind parameter called APPLCOMPAT (you might want to check out the part 1 and part 2 entries on APPLCOMPAT that I posted to this blog a few years ago). Returning to the previously used example, let's say that a Db2 DBA wants to alter a table space to use Huffman compression. Is it enough for the Db2 system's code level to be 121509, and for the catalog level to be V12R1M509, and for V12R1M509 to be the activated function level? No - that's not enough. The DBA will issue the ALTER TABLESPACE statement with a COMPRESS YES HUFFMAN specification by way of a Db2 package (there is always a package associated with execution of a Db2 SQL statement). That package might be related to one of the Db2-provided programs often used by DBAs to do their work - maybe SPUFI, or DSNTEP2. The package, like all packages, will have an APPLCOMPAT specification. For the ALTER TABLESPACE with COMPRESS YES HUFFMAN to execute successfully, the package through which the statement is issued - DSNTEP2, let's say - must have an APPLCOMPAT specification of not less than V12R1M509.

As this example suggests, a package's APPLCOMPAT value enables a program that issues SQL through the package to utilize SQL syntax that was introduced with a given Db2 function level. That is one purpose of the APPLCOMPAT package bind specification. The other purpose of APPLCOMPAT is to enable a program to get the SQL behavior of an earlier version and function level of Db2 for z/OS, if that older SQL behavior is needed. See, there are times when, going from one version or function level of Db2 to another, the behavior of a SQL statement will change. What does that mean? It means same SQL statement, same data, different result. This kind of change is referred to in the Db2 for z/OS documentation as a SQL incompatibility. There are times when a program executing in a Db2 system with function level X activated needs the behavior that a SQL statement had with a Db2 version or function level that is older than X. APPLCOMPAT can deliver, for this program, that older Db2 behavior. Here's an example: suppose that a DBA named Steve needs to create a non-universal table space in a Db2 system that he administers, and let's say that the activated function level for this system is V12R1M510. It's a fact that, starting with function level V12R1M504, a CREATE TABLESPACE statement can only create a universal table space. Is Steve stuck? No. Steve can create the needed non-universal table space by using a program (we'll say the Db2-provided DSNTEP2) whose package has an APPLCOMPAT value of V12R1M503. What if the DSNTEP2 package at Steve's shop has an APPLCOMPAT value of V12R1M504 or higher? No problem: Steve just needs to make sure that the first SQL statement issued by his DSNTEP2 job is SET CURRENT APPLICATION COMPATIBILITY = 'V12R1M503'; then, a CREATE TABLESPACE statement can be issued to create a non-universal table space (this scenario is described in an entry I posted to this blog in 2020). Note that SET CURRENT APPLICATION COMPATIBILITY can be used (with a dynamic SQL-issuing program) to dynamically take a program's application compatibility level to something below - but not above - the APPLCOMPAT level of the program's Db2 package.

For many Db2 DDF-using client-server applications (applications known as DRDA requesters in Db2-speak), the Db2 packages used will be those related to the IBM Data Server Driver. These packages reside, by default, in a collection named NULLID. If the NULLID packages have an APPLCOMPAT value of X, and some DRDA requester application requires an APPLCOMPAT value that is higher or lower than X, this need is often satisfied by BIND COPY-ing the packages in NULLID into an alternate collection (with the required APPLCOMPAT specification), and then using the Db2 profile tables to automatically direct the DRDA requester application in question to the alternate IBM Data Server Driver package collection. This technique is described in an entry I posted to this blog a while back, and while that entry refers to IBM Data Server Driver packages BIND COPY-ed into an alternate collection with an alternate RELEASE specification, the same thing can be done for IBM Data Server Driver packages that have an alternate APPLCOMPAT specification.

OK, so remember this bottom-up thing:

  1. First, the feature you want to use needs to be present in your Db2 system's code - that's the code level.
  2. The feature you want to use may have a catalog level requirement - that's the catalog level. You can't take the catalog level to X (via execution of the Db2 CATMAINT utility) unless the system's Db2 code level is at least X.
  3. When the code and catalog levels are right for the Db2 feature you want to use, you need to make sure that the appropriate function level has been activated on the Db2 system - that's the activated function level. Function level X cannot be activated unless the Db2 system's code level is at least X and the Db2 catalog level is at least X (or, if function level X has no catalog dependencies, the catalog level has to be at least the level of the last preceding function level that did have catalog dependencies).
  4. For your program to use the Db2 feature of interest, the application compatibility level has to be set as needed - that's done via the APPLCOMPAT value of the program's Db2 package (or by execution of SET CURRENT APPLICATION COMPATIBILITY, if the program issues dynamic SQL statements and if you need to take the application compatibility level lower than the package's APPLCOMPAT value). A package's application compatibility level cannot be set to X unless the activated function level of the Db2 system is at least X.

Checking on all this in your Db2 for z/OS environment

To see the upside-down hierarchical lay of the land in your Db2 environment, issue the Db2 command -DISPLAY GROUP. This output will look something like this (and don't be misled by the word GROUP in the command - this is applicable for a standalone Db2 subsystem as well as to a Db2 data sharing group):

                  CURRENT FUNCTION LEVEL(V13R1M100)
                  PROTOCOL LEVEL(2)
DB2        SUB                    DB2    SYSTEM   IRLM
------- -- ---- -------- -------- ------ -------- ----   --------
DB1P     1 DB1P DB1P     ACTIVE   131503 SYS1     IR1P   DB1PIRLM
DB2P     2 DB2P DB2P     ACTIVE   131503 SYS2     IR2P   DB2PIRLM
SPT01 INLINE LENGTH:     32138

For this 2-member Db2 data sharing system, the code level, highlighted in green, is 131503  (Db2 for z/OS Version 13, function level 503). The catalog level, highlighted in orange, is V13R1M100. The activated function level, highlighted in purple, is V13R1M100. As for a package's APPLCOMPAT level, you can see that via a query of the Db2 catalog table SYSIBM.SYSPACKAGE (check the value in the APPLCOMPAT column for the package's row in the table).

I hope that this information will be useful for you. The end of 2023 is around the corner. I'll post more in '24.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for explaining the fundamentals Sir. I found it extremely helpful. -- Ramachandran Subramanian


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