Sunday, October 14, 2012

So, Where do You Specify the IP Address of YOUR DB2 for z/OS Subsystem?

If your answer to the question posed in the title of this blog entry is, "In a PORT reservation statement in our z/OS LPAR's TCP/IP profile data set," that's NOT what I want to hear. It's true that for a long time this was the standard way to assign an IP address to a DB2 for z/OS subsystem, and it would look something like this:


This was the way to go because DB2 didn't give you much of a choice in this regard. You can also set things up so that a DB2 subsystem's IP address is specified in a domain name server, but that's not the answer I'm looking for, either. No, if I ask you where the IP address of your DB2 subsystem is specified, what I want to hear is this: "In the bootstrap data set, Mr. Catterall." Of course I'm kidding about the "Mr. Catterall" bit, but the BSDS is indeed where DB2's IP address should be. I'll tell you why momentarily.

Specifying the IP address of a DB2 subsystem in the associated BSDS is something that only recently (relatively speaking) became possible -- the capability was delivered with DB2 9 for z/OS. In a DB2 9 environment, an IP address can be added to a subsystem's communications record in the BSDS by way of the change log inventory utility, aka DSNJU003. The input statement for an execution of DSNJU003 that would place an IP address in the BSDS would be of this form:

DDF IPV4=111.222.333.444

Note that the address of the subsystem could also be specified in the BSDS in IPv6 form (colon hexadecimal). Note, too, that in a data sharing system you can place in the BSDS the IP address of the data sharing group as well as the address of the individual member subsystem. Also in a data data sharing environment it is highly recommended that the address of a DB2 subsystem be a dynamic virtual IP address, or DVIPA (that way, if a failed DB2 member is restarted on a different z/OS LPAR in the Parallel Sysplex, clients utilizing DRDA two-phase commit protocol will be able to re-connect to the member to resolve in-doubt threads).

If you put a DB2 subsystem's IP address in the associated BSDS, a PORT reservation statement for the subsystem in the LPAR's TCP/IP data set would look like this:


That's right: no IP address for the DB2 subsystem in the PORT statement. When a DB2 subsystem's IP address is recorded in that subsystem's BSDS, placing the address as well in a PORT statement for the DB2 subsystem is not only unnecessary, it's ill-advised. Why? Because if the IP address is recorded in both places (the BSDS and the PORT statement), the PORT statement wins. Why is that important? Because if z/OS Communications Server gets a DB2 subsystem's IP address from a PORT reservation statement, you miss out on the benefits of INADDR_ANY functionality. INADDR_ANY is a TCP/IP capability whereby, in a DB2 for z/OS context, a DB2 subsystem can accept requests to its port on any IP address. What that gives you is configuration and operational flexibility. This is particularly advantageous in a DB2 data sharing environment, and when DB2 Connect is running under Linux on System z and utilizing HiperSockets for access to DB2 for z/OS.

There are other goodies associated with recording a DB2 subsystem's IP address in the BSDS instead of in a PORT reservation statement: you don't have to define a domain name for the DB2 subsystem to TCP/IP, and you can use SSL (Secure Socket Layer) for DRDA communications (not possible with BIND specific TCP/IP statements).

You've probably done a lot over the years to modernize your DB2 for z/OS environment. Getting a DB2 subsystem's IP address into the BSDS and out of the PORT reservation statement is another such move. Take this action and position your DB2 subsystem for enhanced client-server application availability, agility, and functionality.

1 comment:

  1. There's another area you need to consider, the one where you have more than one TCP/IP stack running on z/OS. gives the answer, running BPXTCAFF before DSNYASCP in the DIST JCL.
